Thursday, 11 June 2020


Oh the joys of insomnia, I don't suffer all the time so I'm very lucky really.

I get the 'Can't get to sleep as my mind is replaying every unresolved issue from the last 60 plus years'.

Then there is the 'Waking up in a panic' usually worrying about a decision. So last weeks panic was 'How am I going to manage two dog's' this has been resolved as Loulou and Beano have been so good.
This weeks panic was whether my car would pass it's MOT, it did, phew.

There is also the waking at sparrowfart o'clock and being unable to get back to sleep.  Still not waking up at all would be worse wouldn't it.


justjill said...

Dont even contemplate that one. I want to carry on having a giggle with you.

Chris said...

Glad your other mind benders have been resolved. I am plagued with repetitive rhymes.

Sewing mamie said...

I get both if those , but is is especially annoying when you are married to a man who only has to close his eyes and he is asleep .

Anonymous said...

Yep know all those well.

The worse one for me is when I've been sat on the sofa struggling to keep my eyes open, dog tired....then get into bed and suddenly I'm wired and WIDE awake again...for hours!

Caroline x

Theresa Y said...

It would indeed.

Eleanor said...

Oh, how I love that word sparrowfart. My late father used to call my children his wee sparrowfarts when they were toddlers.

Carol Caldwell said...

I identify with every single word of this post. You could just be describing me to a tee! You always make me smile though.

Carol Caldwell said...

And now that I have read the comments I am also the same as Caroline too.

Hard up Hester said...

I do that too Caroline.

readlisten said...

I also suffer from terrible insomnia. I borrow free online audio books from the library and put them on my phone. When I wake at 2 a.m. I put the earbuds in my ears and set the automatic stop for 15 minutes. I have no time to mither and worry because I am listening to a story. Sometimes the book puts me back to sleep immediately: sometimes it entertains me for the next 4 or 5 wakeful hours. Either way, the audio books are my lifesaver.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...