Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Spell bag

After the success of my previous spell bag, today I made another one.

I made a safe travels bag. I didn't follow a recipe I've been planning the bag for a few weeks so I've been collecting appropriate items.

I drew a safe travels rune on the bag I added the following to the bag.

A tigers eye crystal for courage and confidence.
Dried comfrey for protection.
Dried chamomile and lavender for calm and tranquil waters.
Dried buttercups for sunshine.
Dried rose for love.
Blue lace agate chips for blue sky.
Two duck feathers, one for buoyancy and one for warmth.


JanF said...

That sounds just lovely, did you add explanations for all those items as I imagine most folk would not understand the connections.
I give you much credit for all you do to help other people when you are living in a rather small space right now and are a full time care giver as well as all the other things you do.

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

This is a lovely idea....I'm thinking about how I would make one for myself. Thank you.

rosemarie said...

I agree with the other comments, such a lovely idea and one I had never heard of. Well done and well done with everything else you do. Brava xxxx Ro (N.W. Italy)

The Weaver of Grass said...

I am intrigued by this - I have never heard of such a thing and it sounds so interesting.

Chloe's Nan said...

How lovely, I've never heard of this before but may just borrow the idea if you don't mind?
Gail x

Sue said...

Sounds perfect.

Christine H Hancock said...

Hope it works for you, sounds a fun idea.

flis said...

I love that-and I always wear a tigers eye ring x

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