Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Dog walking

Witch Hazel, yes it was in a heartbeat that made me cry.

Today we went to Hounds and  Bounds, an enclosed dog walking area, we could let both dogs of the lead without fear of losing them. It's surrounded by tall fences that are dug in so even digging dogs can't escape. The lower part of the fence is covered with green sheeting so the dogs cannot be stressed by the horses in the adjoining field and vice versa.

 DD2 met us there so the children could spend time with Loulou. It cost £10 an hour to hire and was well worth it. We will go again sometime soon and will book one of the woodland walks another time.

We then dropped the dogs back at the boat and did the weekly shop.

I then had a nana nap as I slept very badly last night. I find it stressful when Steve is being difficult.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

My friend phoned to tell me about a similar dog exercise place local to us. I do feel poor Bertie was really good off lead before lockdown. But I'm reluctant to try now.

flis said...

That sounds great and I think I should try one.2 of my dogs since lockdown have changed and been more difficult.Each day out walking I'm constantly scanning for problems ahead of behind or either side x

crafty cat corner said...

I'm afraid I have a Nana nap every day, roughly between 2 and 3 in the afternoon, sometimes longer. If I don't take this nap I can't make it through the evening and would rather that than fall asleep in the chair.

Miriam said...

Hounds and Bounds Woodland Walkies on Pincents Lane,Tilehurst is really secure and a treat for retriever type dogs.Our Grand-dog Jaspar was exhausted after 40 mins. Lovely and cool amongst the trees on a hot day.

Sewing mamie said...

Some days I would love a Nanna nap
but i dare not I would not be able to sleep at night , on the other hand I think hubby is part cat he can sleep all day if there is nothing happening and still fall asleep at night straight away .

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...