Sunday, 28 June 2020

I'm out

I'm not going anywhere , but I'm out of clean knickers I'm out of hearing aid batteries and I'm out of spoons, so much so that I cried today whilst watching an animation. I don't do crying.

Every evening I light three LED candles, one for all those affected by covid19, one for general healing and one for the three friends murdered in Forbury Gardens.
Yesterday on a pagan group I belong to I was criticised for not using real candles, I love being lectured by idiots who think they know everything. I know many people love candles but I won't use them on a wood lined boat.

Crafty cat, I think a lot of people who grew up in the 50's were the same.

Walking in beauty, yes I swear by arnica cream.

Weaver, a lot of people don't realise the restrictions of boat living, limited water supply, limited power etc.


LameWolf said...

Oh don't you just love these know-it-alls. I bet they're the same ones that say if you get your words a bit wrong during a ritual, you have to start all over again. Utter nonsense! It's the intent that's important. If I was living on a wooden boat, I'd be using LED candles, too! As it is, when I have doggy guests staying, I use tealights, and put them well out of tail reach.

Witch Hazel said...

In a Heartbeat, perhaps?

Hope you're OK after your misadventure in the water. I've fallen off (into the water) twice. Once outside a supermarket in Nottingham (IIRC). I was busy treading water waiting for my husnabd to come and help, and I realised that the canal was probably shallow where we were moored. Turned out I could stand up. The other time was on the river, and that wasn't so funny, as there was no bank to scrabble up and our sewmi trad stern just didn't have the elbow room for me to lever myself up.

Both times left me feeling quite drained!

Steve's empathy ability needs a bit of a kick. I'm guessing it's a side effect, but understanding that doesn't necessarily make it OK. I was watching a programme (can't remember wheat the actual subect was) the other day, and something they mentioned about Woodrow Wilson reminded me of what you said about strokes changing peoples (esp mens) personalities. It mentioned that Woodrow Wilson came to the World War 1 peace conference to ensure that Germany was not treated vengefully. During that time he caught Spanish Flu (and, it was later discovred, had a series of mini strokes). His Spanish FLu illness meant he wasn't able to be as forceful as he intended, but (due to the mini strokes) he also underwent a personality change. He became obsessed with irrelevant small things, and stopped being empathetic. (Six months later he had a full stroke, and he became indiffernt to all sorts of suffering of other people). It's quite a well documented case.

Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble on, I just thought of you when I watched it.

I hope you feel back to normal before too long. xxxx

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I hope you feel brighter soon. I know it's a clique but these
really are strange times we are living in. I've never felt so down and yuk at times.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Yes I too lit my candle for the three innocents enjoying a quiet chat in a Reading park. In the midst of life....

Beacee said...

just sending a hug x

Chris said...

I'd have cried too and hope those bruises are not too sore.

busybusybeejay said...

It is a good job it wasn't me in the water.I can't swim.Hope your knees heal soon.

crafty cat corner said...

I like the LED candles and am glad of them. Since Tom now needs oxygen we can't have real ones alight or we'd all go up in an explosion, lol
I always thought that candles are used as a focus so I can't see that it matters.

Pam Monks said...

Just a quick note. I was able to get some hearing aid batteries posted to me as I usually collect them from a hospital.

ShellyC said...

We each live our own life to our own expectations. If people don't like how you live, they need to move along. Quickly.

LameWolf said...

Interesting about Woodrow Wilson, @Witch Hazel; a former colleague of mine underwent a personality change following a stroke, but it went the other way.
Pre-stroke, he was sarcastic, demanding, and treated us underlings like dirt. After he returned to work following his stroke, he was as nice as pie - you wouldn't have believed it was the same man.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...