Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Bags versus Jars

I'm happy for anyone to copy my spell bag idea.

There are lots of recipes for spell jars online or just add whatever you feel is appropriate.

I make bags rather than jars as I think they are safer to use on a boat, also empty bags take up less room than empty jars. I already have a shelf full of jam jars waiting to be filled with marmalade when I get round to making a batch, I bought a tin of Mamade a while ago.

I made the spell bag for friends who are setting off on their travels at the weekend.

There has been a dramatic change in the weather today, it is raining and chilly here.

Fortunately Steve has finished painting the roof of the boat and has even managed to finish the wood at the stern and he boating pole. If we get some more sunny days he will re-varnish  the woodwork in the cratch. He has done it once but isn't happy with the result as the wood is still too pale.


Tracey said...

Oh Hester are things really that bad...Steve re-varnishing your crotch?! LOL. I had to read it twice!!

Hard up Hester said...

Lol Tracey, heaven forbid.

Meanqueen said...

I must have missed something. I don't know what a spell bag is.

kate steeper said...

I have an emergency tin of Marmade hidden away , part of the Apocalypse collection

My Piece of Earth said...

I am wondering what a "spell" is also, dond't know that I have every heard of that term.
Patricia in

Hard up Hester said...

Spell can refer to the magic words you say, or it can describe being under the influence of those words

Dunham lass said...

Could you explain a bit more about spells I find it very interesting.Can anyone make one ? Thanks Su


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.