Tuesday, 9 June 2020

First kiss

Loulou has been avoiding face to face contact with Beano. She gets bug eyed and backs off when he approaches her so he veers off and doesn't push it.
Tonight they were sat either side of me whilst I was watching TV. Beano stretched out towards her and although she looked a little bug eyed she also stretched out and their noses touched briefly.

I don't watch much TV, too much drivel on usually but today there was a program about Tudor times on BBC4 and then A House Through Time on BBC2.

Tomorrow it's Repair Shop and then Sewing Bee. These are probably the only things I will watch this week.


justjill said...

Aww getting there.

The Weaver of Grass said...

We have similar tastes in TV - these are programmes I always watch - add Country File and The Antiques Road Show and I could do without the rest apart from Inspector Montelbano which I am just about to start watching through for the second time. I was sorry to see Therese go out of Sewing Bee last week - I had thought she might win it and I thought her cocktail dress was the best - but she did have a disastrous first day.

Poppypatchwork said...

I to watch 3 out of your 4, most of the time TV is off in our house. Glad the dogs are getting on, it's always a worry when a new pet comes into your home.

Anonymous said...

Aww bless the pooches...I think they are going to be happy companions :) I love that Beano is being so patient with Loulou.

I LOVE Sewing Bee & The Repair Shop...really easy watching programs that are both entertaining and informative.

The transformations that they carry out at The Repair Shop are amazing...however I often have to have a box of tissues on standby when watching as some of the histories get me going!

Caroline x

Meanqueen said...

When I first saw your title to this post, my thoughts were, 'when I was about 13, in the chapel'. Ooops, guessed that wrong didn't I.

My Piece of Earth said...

Cute........ We do not watch much TV either, sic coms ...no way. We are getting a lot of reruns to fill in sports as there are none happening here.

anna lucas said...
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Being careful.

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