Thursday, 25 June 2020

Spell bags

I suppose the spell bags are a bit like a good luck charm.

Something for the person gifted one to focus on.

I start with a small drawstring calico bag, the bags are about five inches by three.

I choose an appropriate rune to draw on the bag.

I always add some herbs so the bag smells nice, I have some dried herbs and I grow some on the boat that I pick and dry. Lavender and rosemary are both good, I often add chamomile but it doesn't smell very nice. I also pick and dry wild flowers that I find when I'm walking. I'm careful to only pick small amounts, comfrey is one of my favourites.

I have a book about crystals so I look up which ones would be appropriate, rose quartz, amethyst and tigers eye are all good ones.

There are lots of spell recipes on pinterest but I tend to follow my instincts rather than a set recipes.

Steve thinks it's all rubbish but that doesn't bother me, my bags can do no harm and at the very least the recipient knows I care and that I'm thinking of them.


The Weaver of Grass said...

An interest idea and if one is troubled then this would be a comfort I am sure.

crafty cat corner said...

Not rubbish. I have several witchcraft books that list spells etc and believe in it all.
It's just such a shame that witchcraft has such a bad name as it's such a beautiful thing.

aileen g said...

I love the smell of camomile and have some in my garden. The smell I hate though is lilies - which most people love, but it gives me a headache. I guess, just as your beliefs are, it is all subjective.

walking in beauty carmarthenshire said...

Witch means wise woman. Women are carriers of the wisdom passed down through our family.
You are gathering and drawing together the energies for a particular. It is the same as creating a recipe and adding a bit of this and that.Your intent and purpose are whats important.
Magic isn't magic,unless it works in the kitchen !
Enjoy yourself Hester.

JanF said...

It's a more personal way of showing you care and are thinking of them than even a card is. I bet the recipients are pleased and I think it's a good and positive thing to do for yourself too.

mamasmercantile said...

It sounds very interesting and I would love to learn more about the powers plants/herbs can have. It must be a delight to receive something so thoughtful.

Being careful.

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