Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Canalside conversation

We are moored in the cow field, it's a popular mooring place, there is room for about 12 boats.

Yesterday somebody moved on and someone else arrived.

We stopped for a chat as we walked past, we mentioned that it would be a good idea for the boater to cover his mooring ropes with hawthorne as the local cows tend to chew the ropes and some boaters have found themselves adrift.

He pooh-poohed the idea, explaining he'd been boating for forty years and knew for a fact that cows don't chew rope.

The following morning NB Tranquil Waters towed him back to the bank and helped him moor up again, this time he covered his ropes up.


Marjorie said...

Lesson learned. I left a quilted bag hanging on the outside of one of my orphan calves' pen and came back the next day to see it had been destroyed. The bag now is put nowhere near a calf.

flis said...

That'll teach mr smart arse x

mamasmercantile said...

There is always one that knows better.

Margie from Toronto said...

Too funny! But of course HE would know better than you....

Col said...

A-ha, the lesser spotted rope chewing cows strike again!
I bet he thinks you and Steve crept out in the night and chewed through his ropes yourselves!!!
Actually, someone from my past, who I dislike intensely, (he's not worth the emotion involved in hating) is now a live-aboard somewhere in the Milton Keynes area; I wish some cows would chew through his ropes, and to be honest, through his nasty, lying, two timing, conniving, thieving neck!

Chris said...

Thanks for the laugh, Hester! Serves him right for being so condescending.

My Piece of Earth said...

Some people have to learn the hard way. He did Ha Ha

kate steeper said...

reminds me of a visit with my ex to a national trust property many moons ago where there was a sign saying please dont park near the fence as the cows may damage your vehicle . He never took notice of anything and always knew better . We came back and the car was missing the aerial and one window wiper and there was a row of cows smiling at him over the fence .

Winters End Rambler said...

Karma is such a beautiful it not?! x

Rambler said...

Oh I did enjoy that - gave me the best laugh of the day. I'm so glad to see that others shared my reaction.
Col - I hope your old nemesis gets a similar come-uppance as well. In the meantime, perhaps you could make us of one of Hester's 'calming' spell bags. :)

Rambler said...

'USE' not 'us' (oops!)


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.