Thursday, 18 June 2020

Nine years ago today

Steve and I got married, we'd been together for ten years by then.

We were at the registry office at 10am we had the shortest ceremony available and then home to hold our handfasting in the garden at midday. 

The weather remained dry until the evening by which time everyone had gone home.

We spent £400, mainly on food and drink. I made my dress and the bunting that was strung around the garden.

Instead of a bouquet I picked a few sprigs of lavender and rosemary from my garden as I left for the registry office and tied them with a scrap of gold ribbon.

One of our guests spent as much n her outfit as we did for the entire event.


Bettina Groh said...

Your wedding sounds wonderful but why did you wait so long?

Hard up Hester said...

We were living together, marriage wasn't that important and Steve had been married twice before.

Mrs G said...

Ahh - I remember seeing some of the photos of your hand fasting ceremony that you posted up at the time - lovely :)

mamasmercantile said...

Happy anniversary. Sounds like the perfect day.

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing some photos too.. I can't believe I've been following your blog for 9 years already!


Caroline x

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

How time flies, I well remember having to trial putting piping into your ring pillow, I had never done it before.......

crafty cat corner said...

This sounds perfect to me. Why couples spend thousands of pounds on weddings is beyond me.

Siebrie said...

I love simple, relaxed weddings! Our wedding cost €2,000 total (which was my parents' contribution; we didn't have any savings ourselves): free official ceremony at gorgeous city council Brussels, self-catered picknick at city farm next to our apartment with about 30 guests (only immediate family and close friends).

JanF said...

The important thing is that you had the wedding you wanted (you did it your way!).
How about posting a couple of photos, please.

Joyce said...

Sounds lovely and got the job done! Ours was at city hall, next to the jail the officiant was named Beulah. Big party after!

Lanniesmum said...

Happy 9th Anniversary. We too had a small wedding in a hotel with no great fuss or expense. We were 21 and 22 and are now 70 and 71. My husband is not a keen socialiser So we don’t have any big celebrations for anything. We’re happy together although chalk and cheese and that’s all that matters. Catriona

Christine said...

Happy Anniversary and I hope you both had an enjoyable day...

Beacee said...

Happy Anniversary to you both - wishing you many more.

eve said...

Happy Anniversary, can't believe it's been 9 years, I remember reading about it on your blog, how time flies!


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.