Thursday, 25 June 2020

Twas early in the morning

Just had a very exciting start to the day, 5am and Loulou was mithering, I assumed she wanted to go out, I almost went out in my dressing gown but fortunately decided to throw a summer dress on. Put both dogs leads on, opened the baby gate and whoosh, they both took off after a rabbit or something. I had a firm grip on their leads as I never know who or what is in the field. Normally they run straight ahead so I have to gallop along the gangplank. This morning the both bolted to the right and pulled me straight into the water!
It's deep, it's river, not canal, it wasn't  as cold as I'd expected but it was over my head. I managed to get to my feet and climb up the bank, still hanging on to both leads!

I dried off and went back to bed, Steve wondered why my hair was wet. I was trying to get back to sleep when Beano started barking, the cows were chewing on the ropes, so out of bed, different dress on, same shoes so very squelchy. Across the grass to smack the cow on the bum to chase it away, second cow is in the water eating the reeds and gets her legs caught on the rope. I have to persuade her to go backwards, which she does eventually, she's very friendly and stands beside me whilst I scratch her head. Eventually the entire herd make their way to the other end of the field and I return to the boat, still squelching along in wet shoes. I have the most enormous bruises developing on my knees, oh well, the joys of living on a boat.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Sorry and I am sure it was quite scary and also unpleasant but it would almost make a comic film. I couldn't help laughing at your predicament. Hope those bruises are not too bad.

Marilyn Bennett said...

You are hilarious Hester. Pity someone didn’t have a camera to catch your crazy antics. It must have been hard to explain to Steve just what you had been up to while he slept. Clever girl, hanging on to the two leads while you were under water. Your blog has me in stitches every time.

Joan (Devon) said...

You do lead an exciting life Sue - and all before breakfast!

Sue said...

Bloody hell what a start to the day, I laughed I couldn't help it sorry ;-)

Winters End Rambler said...

Surely you didn't exit the water before nabbing a couple of fish for supper?! x

mamasmercantile said...

My goodness, never a dull moment.

Mary said...

Lordy. Memorable start to your day. Perhaps one you'd like to forget. :)

Joyce said...

What an adventure. Can you weave it into one of the stories you write for children?

Ellen D. said...

Oh my word! You certainly are a resilient woman! You didn't panic and just got back to business. I would be sputtering and worrying and exhausted! Good for you!

Theresa Y said...

I have a feeling this is just the beginning of your adventures with those two pups. What a way to wake up!

lindsey said...

Im quite sure that I would not have coped with any of that! Well done you 😂

flis said...

I thought my days were fraught but not a patch on yours-and you do cope with it all in your stride and can say "all's well that ends well"(apart from the bruises and pain) x

Rambler said...

The first thing that came to my mind was the incident a few days ago when you tried to advise a boater about covering his ropes up because of the cows' habit of chewing them . . . . you don't suppose he put a spell on you . . . . ?Lol, lol. I'm glad you didn't come to any serious harm.

Chris said...

All's well that ends well, but I bet you didn't think it too funny at the time!


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.