Saturday, 27 June 2020

Could have been worse

My knees are purple, but only painful if I kneel on them.
As I fell in fast moving water I'm at less risk of Wiels disease.
And when I said the is deep it isn't, it's only about 4 or 5 feet deep, unfortunately I'm only 4'11 and as I'm 70 next year I need to stop doing stupid things like this.

Steve was, of course, full of sympathy, after asking me if I'd really fallen in or if he'd dreamt it, he immediately asked why the batteries were draining so fast and what was I doing to cause it.

My knee, the bruises are much darker now.


crafty cat corner said...

Shakes you up when you fall doesn't it? probably would have just got out and thought nothing of it once, lol. I know I've been there although not in water, lol

Sue in Suffolk said...

Ouch! hope you heal soon - and I hope the dogs are suitably sorry for causing it all!

50 and counting said...

A fall like that makes you a bit more cautious.

Says the woman who tripped in a pothole going to work.

Rest and take care of yourself

Mo Finn said...

Oh looks sore, sorry you had a fall I have had a few nasty ones myself in the last 2 years; did you shower well after getting out of the water as this will go a long way in stopping you getting any infection; hope you feel better xx

thelma said...

Poor you, hope the bruising gets better, though of course it will look bad at the beginning. Weil disease, Covid 19 where will it all end? And then of course dogs great tripper-uppers.

kate steeper said...

lots of tea and sympathy needed , i would think your getting as much as i

mamasmercantile said...

You poor thing, hoping you heal quickly and are not in too much pain.


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.