Friday, 24 April 2020

A day of bits and pieces.

Today Steve started to sand the rust spots on the roof and to treat them. He's doing one roof panel a day rather than attempting the entire roof in one hit.

Beano has had his usual walks and I've divided my day up into chunks. By turn sewing, housework, reading, studying and writing.

Tomorrow I shall start knitting face cloths again just for a bit of variety.


Ellen D. said...

So much better than your "shitty" day! Sounds like a very good day for you today!

Chris said...

Sounds like you have a good routine going, Hester. I have been practicing crocheting (a new skill for me) and have made several face cloths, snap!

justjill said...

I keep trying to get a routine then I rebel.

Hard up Hester said...

Some days I get nothing done but I keep,trying. If I sit at my sewing machine for too long my back aches, if I knit or crochet for too long my hands ache, if I read for too long I go crosseyed.

Sue in Suffolk said...

I love Jills comment!
My routine seems to be too much time spent on the laptop.
Hope you have another good day today

flis said...

That does sound so nice and relaxing x

JanF said...

Knitting face cloths is a great idea. I used to do it a lot, there are so many wonderful free patterns online. I remember one which depicted the U.K. I used to add a stitch in a different colour for the town where my ex pat friends came from.

50 and counting said...

If you like knitting dish or face cloths, try them using two strands of crochet thread and use about a size 3mm needle. Gives a nice amount of roughness and the cloth doesn't stretch or get as heavy as one knit from dishcloth specific cotton.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...