Wednesday, 22 April 2020


The vet I took Beano to is working on a closed door policy currently.

I made the appointment for this morning and phoned when I was in the car park.

A few moments later a staff member came out and collected Beano.

He was gone about 15 minutes and then returned to me.

Once home I phoned the vets and paid the bill.

I dropped Steve at the supermarket on the way to the vets and picked him up on the way back.


Margie from Toronto said...

Glad that the little guy is ok.
I was scheduled for an echo-cardiogram and appt. with my cardiologist today but offices are closed so I got a phonemail and just confirmed that I was fine - doing as directed and we have rescheduled for 3 months form now - fingers crossed their office is open by then!

How did your hubby enjoy his shopping trip?

Hard up Hester said...

Margie, he was ok until he lost the shopping list, but he got all the important stuff, bread, milk and chocolate!

Chris said...

Definitely got his priorities right (re: the chocolate).

Barbara said...

Our vet is still letting clients come in but only one person
at a time and you have wait outside until they're ready for
you. In South Australia at least they're considered an
essential service and have been allowed to stay open.

Angela said...

My daughter's rabbit had to be put to sleep 3 weeks ago. The vets were brilliant and very sensitive (she's 9 months pregnant and more weepy than usual) I was very impressed that this week she received a sympathy card from them, and a pack of forget me not seeds "So you can plant some flowers to remind you of Jim". What a kind gesture

mamasmercantile said...

Glad all went well.

Hard up Hester said...

Angela that's so sweet.

JanF said...

What a kind vet's office ( Angela's story). Another example of how a small act of kindness really helps.

flis said...

Jim must have been a very special rabbit Angela xx

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...