Saturday, 25 April 2020

Re a shitty day

Up to, you have my sympathy but actually I wasn't complaining. My post was tongue in cheek, I found it funny that there were so many instances in one day regarding shit.


Anonymous said...

Hi, why do some people feel they have to pick fault, everyone else has a good chuckle.
Hey ho , I guess some folks are born miserable sods and stay that way.
Keep up the blog , I for one love it.
Give Beano a big hug for me.I
Love Jane

Anonymous said...

As I said hilarious, truth be known we've all had similar days, you have to laugh.

Anonymous said...

Jane - I felt sympathy for the commenter, perhaps if you have to take care of a doubly incontinent relative you'll be a "miserable sod" yourself.

lindsey said...

Wel, it made me laugh 😂😂x

Col said...

Anonymous, (why don't you have the courage of your convictions? Give your name, you coward!)I DID take care of a doubly incontinent relative, my father!
In fact I have a long history of dealing with other folk's shit;
My maternal Grandmother suffered with Diverticulitis, and as my maternal Grandparents both lived with us for a few years, I often had clean up jobs with her!
My maternal Grandfather who had a colostomy, but due to advanced Parkinsonism needed it changed for him, therefore lots of clean up jobs there too!
My Mother had Crohn's/Colitis and was disabled due to Arthritis (she also had Leukaemia) so I had many mega clean up jobs with her too!
My Father suffered a series of major strokes, and as we knew there was no chance of any sort of recovery, we brought him home. He was completely bed bound, had no mental capacity as such, had no speech, and was doubly incontinent, so I'm sure you can imagine how difficult it was looking after him. In fact I hope you can't imagine it, as I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
However, I didn't turn into a miserable sod, I pulled up my big girl knickers and got on with it, every bloody shitty and pissy time! I know more 'shit' related jokes than you can shake a stick at, you can cry or you can laugh, I chose to laugh!
Some people whinge and whine about their lives, but the others of us, and I know Hester is one, as am I, just accept our lot in life, and deal with whatever comes our way!
Therefore, don't you fucking DARE to presume you know ANYTHING about how hard it can be for some of us!

Anonymous said...

Yes anonymous, I do know what it's like to clean up after an incontinent person. I nursed my husband bedridden with terminal cancer.
I have probably cleaned a shitty backside more times than you could ever imagine. But you get on with it and yes the jokes get you through it.You have to laugh it's that or cry.

flis said...

I've had days too when things aren't great and I'm quite stressed and try to ignore the problem and then somehow it's quite obvious to me the day is just going to be bad when I have stood in another dogs poo and then my lily ate human excrement dumped behind a tree and I tried my best to clean her in a stream and got it on myself too.I continued on my wall and spoke out loud and didn't care who heard me-"shitty,crap,dirty b******s"x

Anonymous said...

Col - my comment wasn't for you, it was for Jane, as you'll see if you read it again. If you'd noticed that it would have saved you from writing your extensive foul mouthed rant.
I'm not interested in your life history. I commented because Jane accused the original commenter of being a "miserable sod" because of her comment about dealing with a doubly incontinent relative.
I shall DARE to presume whatever I like, I'm not intimidated by bullies such as you.
If I choose to be anonymous that's my choice. Or I could give any fictitious name such as Tom Thumb, Billy Bunter, Joan of Arc. Or Col.

Col said...

Ooh, I touched a nerve there didn't I 'Anonymous'?
I'm well aware that your pathetic comment wasn't for me, as, if you had bothered reading properly, you would have known that I had not, at that point, commented at all.
I'm not a bully, I just don't like people who make sweeping comments, and as for foul mouthed, I used the 'F' word, once! Actually you deserved to receive it a lot more than that!
I couldn't care less whether you're interested in my life history or not. as I am most certainly not interested in your life, your opinions, or in fact, you, in any way!
Therefore, I shall refrain from further comment on this particular subject, as continuing to converse with you will just encourage your pathetic, cowardly, keyboard warrior activities!

Being careful.

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