Saturday, 4 April 2020

Get a fecking grip!

The Canal and River Trust are being inundated with demands by boaters to close the towpath.

Some boaters are constantly phoning the police to report people walking on the towpath.

A boater has tried to stop people passing his boat by putting noticed up claiming he and his wife are in isolation, if they are then why are they both still working and shopping every day.

One boater has reported that 3700 people are passing her boat every day.
If she's looking out her window for ten hours a day that's 370 people an hour.
Considering where she is moored that is highly unlikely.

Some poor bugger is getting hundreds of emails complaining about the use of the towpath, I hope he's not trying to answer them all.


flis said...

I shouldn't laugh but there's never a dull moment there is there,even now.You won't die of boredom anyway x

kate steeper said...

my other half is like the transport police , do you know how many times a day them across the road have been out 15 times ive counted him . hes a single dad stuck at home with teenage kids , i imagine hes driving round to maintain his sanity , but my other halfs convinced hes dealing drugs . racial stereotyping at its best . I dont give a stuff hes quiet the kids are polite what more do you need in a neighbour

Hard up Hester said...

Flis the boating world is a funny mix of the antisocial and the gregarious.

Kate, mine would probably be the same if we were on dry land.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...