Saturday, 25 April 2020

A handy household tip.

I cleaned the mirrors in the bathroom this afternoon. I don't do a lot of housework as it doesn't interest me. The boat is done to my standards, Steve can always do more to it if he wishes but he doesn't.

Anyway back to the mirrors there are two big ones in the bathroom, probably fitted to make the room look bigger. One just gets dusty but the one over the basin gets splashed and splattered.

To clean bathroom mirrors I first wash my hands thoroughly and then I dry them on a towel. This leaves part of the towel with just the correct amount of dampness to clean the marks from the mirror without leaving any smears. I then use the dry part of the towel to clean the dusty mirror. The towel then goes in the washing machine to await the next wash.

I'm sure lots of people do this, but who knows there may be one reader who now knows this handy tip.


flis said...

Sounds a useful tip and I will give it a go thanks if I get round to it.I cannot get my house neat and tidy ever and it is never cleaned from top to bottom.I can't be arsed and I don't have the energy anyway and so have to prioritize x x

Chris said...

Sure beats the Windex and paper towel method which usually leaves streaks anyway!

Jaccs said...

Just like a microfibre cloth, I would never go back to old window cleaning methods after using this one😊

Col said...

We’re waiting to have our new bathroom fitted, but of course, Covid has put paid to that for the time being.
However, it's left me with a problem, do I put much effort into cleaning the entire wall of mirrors in the existing bathroom that came with the house and that I loathe with a passion? Or do I keep it all clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy?
Actually, I think we all know the answer to that don't we?

JanF said...

I had never heard of this method and will try it out today! Thanks.

mamasmercantile said...

Sounds good. I always use old towels cut down as cleaning cloths so much the same technique. Thanks for sharing.

Sue said...

That's exactly what I do, it works a treat :-)

Lyssa Medana said...

That's a useful tip.

Mrs Beeton recommended gin with an old silk handkerchief. I'm not saying she was wrong, but what a waste!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...