Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Bad language

It's not easy living in close confines at the best of times and these aren't the best of times.

It can be a struggle supporting someone with mental health problems at the best of times and these aren't the best of times.

But I notice the "Be Kind" movement has been exchanged for the "let's attack everyone who isn't doing it my way" movement.

For fecks sake mind your own business, how about "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

There are pics around of people who are supposedly breaking the rules, in some of the pics the trees are in full leaf so are not recent pics.

Some people just like to cause trouble, they could no more be kind than they could shit on a sixpence!


justjill said...

So agree with you. Once this nightmare is over I - well I dont know what to be honest. Just keep on blogging Hester. xxx

Chris said...

Take everything you hear or see posted with a grain of salt. Carry on carrying on. That's the best we can do!

flis said...

I know a few troublemakers and I believe they do it to big themselves up because they know they are not up to much themselves x

Sewing mamie said...

It is very quiet where we live and we are only allowed within 1km of our home , but we have seen lots of activity since the lockdown started people that we have never seen befor .

kate steeper said...

The neighbours have been having endless drunken parties and barbecues they nip through the field at the back clanking bottles . Bob the farmer spotted them the other day and commentated , I will pop the bull in for the weekend . Cant wait should be a right giggle

Anonymous said...

Have you been caught out ? Sounds like it

Hard up Hester said...

Caught out, no. We go out an hour a day to walk the dog and we shop once a week. We aren't breaking the rules.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...