Monday, 20 April 2020

Missing them all so much


Chris said...

Same here! I saw my three on Easter Sunday, but at a distance when they brought me my Easter dinner.

Jan said...

Yes! I've seen our local grands with "social distancing", but the 3 youngest live 5 hours away! I haven't seen them since February.

readlisten said...

I spoke to my grandchildren on the phone this evening. Ditto. Miss them so much!

RunNRose said...

Love the photos. Especially the last one. So intent. I am sure they miss you, too. Thank goodness for technology.

Rambler said...

It's the touch, the hugs, the humour, the looks . . . . contact is essential, but not possible. Heart-breaking.

Ellen D. said...

Yes, I miss their hugs. Texts, video chats, and phone calls are great but I can't wait for the day they will run to me and grab me around my legs shouting, "Grandma!!"

flis said...

I know someone who saw her grandchild for the first time through their window.Another lady whose grandson sits on her porch and she looks through the window whilst talking on the phone.Another lives alone and said she misses sitting on the sofa with them and having cuddles(she seemed depressed which is not her at all) x

mamasmercantile said...

I know exactly how you feel. I a thankful for the photos and the technology keeping us together but you are so right it just isn't the same.

Carol Caldwell said...

I have one grandson who will be three next month and a new grandson who will be a week old on Thursday. I miss the thought of not holding him as a new born but my son has sent photos and shown me the new baby on google hangouts the last two evenings. The most important thing is that they are all well. Such strange times at the moment.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I know we have technology these days but it certainly isn't the same.

Col said...

We've been Face-timing every other day, but our Grandson is three and a half and not inclined to sit still for long enough to talk to us much!
He was sent home from Pre-school just over two weeks ago as he had a temperature, which meant he was isolated for seven days, his parents for fourteen.
Mummy is a key worker in the NHS, so had been going into work every day, but had to work from home for the fourteen days. Daddy's a Solicitor and has been working from home since early March. Daddy had to work during the day, to fit in with International conference calls etc, and Mummy did her work every night when small person was asleep. It's been immensely stressful for the three of them.
Fortunately, his raised temperature was a one off, and he was fine, they all were. Therefore Mummy's now back at work in her office, Daddy's on his own at home working, and Grandson is back at Pre-school! He had such a good time yesterday (first day back) that he slept all the way home in the car (40 min journey), and fell asleep again whilst eating his dinner, he must have been running and bouncing all day, he was exhausted!
I just can't wait to get my hands on him, I feel as though I have a limb missing!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...