The weather hasn't been good today it's rained on and off and has been chilly.
Steve has been obnoxious all day, biting my head off because the WiFi signal is crap.
I bought him a SAD lamp a while ago but he won't use it, he enjoys wallowing in misery far too much.
DD2 uploaded a stand-up routine but I can't watch it, it just keeps buffering.
Even Beano's been grumpy, he's had his flea treatment and I think it makes him feel unwell.
Saturday, 18 April 2020
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Being careful.
We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...
As the title says, I have hit a bump in the road, not a physical one, but a bump never the less. Therefore I will not be posting for a while...
I'm staying with my daughter for a couple of days.
A young lad, year 5, cast in the school play as rocking chair. He was supposed to remain quiet and just rock occasionally, instead rocked th...
I think we are all feeling a little cabin feverish. But the alternative is dire. I feel for you Hester. Take care.
Oh no-one just what you need-and I hope Beano will feel a bit better tomorrow.Can you have a little drink of that ginger wine for putting up with your darling today.I suppose really he's no one else to vent off to x
Hope things are better today. x
Hugs Hester, I know what you are going through, keep the chin up and show him the rolling pin LOL. Thank heavens I can shove DB out into the garden, otherwise I would be joining
You've more patience than me ... I think I would have hit him over the head with the SAD lamp by now ;-)
sometimes our lives mirror each I cheated and bought a SAD lightbulb for the main light, its done bugger all for his temperament but hes getting hardly any headaches at the moment. We also had the internet being slow rant last night because there was something he wanted to watch
I've talked DH into building a new step up onto the rear lawn today, it was either that, or put an axe in his head!
We get on brilliantly, very rarely disagree about things, arguments are few and far between, and even we're getting on each others nerves!
We live on the coast, but can't make the most of it as so many idiots drive here to walk on the promenades and beaches that the Police are constantly patrolling, and telling everyone to go home.
I lost my temper with a Police Officer the other day, we'd been shopping, and drove home along the promenade.
We stopped the car, kept the windows closed, and opened a bottle of Pepsi which I had left in the cabin of the car, not the boot. It had been wiped down with alcohol before being put in the car, so it was perfectly safe.
Police car pulled in to the kerb in front of us, Officer got out, walked up to my window (nearside) and demanded to know (through closed window) why we were "having a picnic"! I said, (window still fully closed) "We've just been for essential shopping, live about 1500 metres from here, just up the hill on the right and we're having a quick look at the view, it's hardly a picnic. I've got frozen food in the boot, and am not about to let it defrost."
He got snotty, demanded that I opened the window, I told him I would not as he was not conforming to social distancing rules, which made him even more angry and he made the enormous mistake of threatening to arrest me!
So, still with window closed, I demanded his name and badge number, told him that he could easily have me arrested, but that our inside and outside front and rear dash cams had recorded every moment, including sound, since we had left the supermarket, so was he entirely sure that he wanted to 'go down that path'!
Strangely enough, he changed his mind about an arrest, instead told us to finish our drink and go home, which we were happy to do owing to it being a warm day and having frozen food in the boot!
However, when we'd put the shopping away, I did walk back down to the promenade, hoping he'd stop me 'exercising' but there was no sign of him, and every other Officer studiously ignored me! I wonder why?
I appreciate that the Police have been given an impossible task, and while most are being sensible in the way they interpret things, just a few are making the most of having an extra 'bit of power'.
My family have served in 'The Force' for many years, and my Dad rose to the rank of Chief Superintendent, so I will NOT allow any member of the Police Force to intimidate me, especially as I abide by rules, am 100% certain that I have never broken any law (not even littering or jaywalking!) and will always answer back!
It's lovely weather here at the moment, but I'm not going to the promenade, I was down there at 6-00 this morning, sitting on the sea wall drinking my coffee which I'd made at home and taken with me, and oddly enough, I didn't see one other person, not even a Police Officer!
Keep your chin up, we'll soon be out of this, if the idiots stop spreading it everywhere. X
Grumpy seems to be a common thread of late. I was so thankful for a little bit of sun yesterday that got us out into the garden yesterday. Take care.
It is a grey, wet and cold day here as well but at least I'm just grumpy with myself. At first I was feeling a bit sorry for myself being on my own - but now I appreciate the fact that I only have to deal with my own grumpiness.
I hope the weather improves for you soon so that at least you can get out for a walk. Hang in there and try not to push him overboard.
Hang in there Hester and everyone else that reads this. Been stuck in bed myself all weekend with a fibro attack of exhaustion. Typically it seems to catch up with me when the weather is nice enough to go out in the garden! Oh well tomorrow after work wit will hopefully be warm enough to sit out there and Skype my mum. Stay safe people and appreciate the good in life where you can.
We all have our assorted crosses to bear don't we.
Col, what a Bosworth.
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