Tuesday, 14 April 2020

What a lot of money

There are 160 boats in the marina, it isn't a residential marina so in theory liveaboards are not permitted, your boat can be in the marina full time but if you are a full time liveaboard the boat must leave the marina regularly, three days in and four days out seems to be the preferred rule.

Of the 160 boats approximately twenty are occupied by liveaboards.

Of the liveaboards, three are part of the marina workforce, six are winter moorers who were stuck because of the Red Boards on the cut and are now stuck because of the "No unnecessary travel" rule and eleven have jobs that mean they work away some of the time so they are not on their boat full time.

That leaves 140 boats of which about fifty are taken out of the marina by their owners for holidays and ten have owners who spend time in the marina on their boat but never take their boats out.

This means there are a lot of people who are paying between £200 and £300 a month mooring fees for a boat that is never used or visited. Some of them have been left for ten years or more.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

That's a lot of wasted money.

Amanda said...

We've a similar situation here in Florida. I'm told half the boats at the marinas never get taken out; a lot just rot at their moorings. We've also a huge issue with people just abandoning boats along river banks, leaving them for the environmental agency, which gets its budget cut every year, to deal with. As somebody who'll cancel a $10/month streaming service if I'm not tuning in to it constantly, it really does make me wonder.

Lyssa Medana said...

That is like a very expensive version of a gym membership.

cumbrian said...

More money than sense.

Sue said...

Gosh I can't imagine paying out that kind of money and not getting any benefit for it. What a complete waste, some folk have obviously got more money than sense.

Ellen D. said...

But, your marina benefits so that is good for your area, isn't it? They are paying for expensive storage but if they want to throw their money away, at least your area marina wins! :)

Sewing mamie said...

We have seen boats in marinas that are so covered with slime and dirt that have obviously not been moved or visited for years , some of these boats are for sale it seems the owner's would rather leave them sitting there than either reduce the price or even just clean it , it's madness .

JanF said...

Our neighbours sold their boat when they added up the cost of running it one summer. Each day out was $1,000.00. It must have been fairly large as I know they mentioned their cabin had a queen size bed in it.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...