Thursday, 23 April 2020

It's been a shitty day

I typed this yesterday but didn't post it as I decided to let people know how Beano got on at the vets.

Steve has an upset stomach and I've had to clean the toilet twice, he's willing but can't see well enough to clean it to my standard.

We took Beano out at 7a.m. when  he did his morning poo something startled him, he turned suddenly and ended up with poo attached to his fur. He stood looking at me until I went over and remedied the situation.

I then got a poo bag and collected his deposit. I picked up a small twig at the same time as it was all mixed together.
In an effort to be helpful Steve grabbed the twig and pulled it out the bag. Most of the poo came with it and ended up on my hands.

As I said, it was a shitty day.


justjill said...

So it was. My first thought was so thats what the cleaning stuff is for that I carry round with me. But then I thought - but its in your pocket. Shitty pockets! Hey ho.

Linda said...

Oh I so needed to find your blog and read your post and laugh, laugh, laugh. I’m still chuckling and we could all use a good chuckle right now. Thanks for making a rainy p, gloomy day brighter.

Amanda said...

That reminds me of when we lived in a condo. My Mom was taking care of a neighbor's kid, about 4. They were walking across the green, and the little boy suddenly cries "Oh shit!" Mom says "We don't use that kind of language." Kid replies "But I stepped in it." Sure enough, he'd stepped in a big dog pile. To which Mom replied, "Well then, oh, shit."

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Hilarious, I'm laughing at myself too as I been there and got the tshirt.

Sewing mamie said...

Some years ago after having the septic tank emptied my husband decided to pressure wash it out . As he is a man doing a job he has to have me in attendance , he put the pressure washer in the hole and there was a blow back , I was covered from head to foot , hubby remained totally clean . And to make it worse he did not want me to shower straight away because he needed me to watch him clean it out .
It's lucky I have a sence of humour .

Hard up Hester said...

Oh good heavens Sewing Mamie, what a nightmare

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry but couldn't help but laugh! It did my heart good to find something that gave me a good belly laugh. Toni in Tennessee USA

up to neck in it said...

You only had to clean the toilet twice ? think yourself VERY lucky as it can be 6 or 7 times a day here sometimes more with a doubly incontinent relative. Honestly the things some people complain about it's unbelievable you just don't know when you're well off

readlisten said...

Oh my gosh, you do have the worse days sometimes. However, those days give you an excellent excuse for a good strong drink, or two. Hope tomorrow has flowers for you, instead of....hmmm.....

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...