Monday, 6 April 2020

An un-shopping list

Steve decided he wanted to do the shopping today. He's not happy with the stuff I buy. I don't buy enough crap.

So I wrote him a list, when he came out of the shop the trolley was full  of crap.  He had bought almost everything on the list. Unfortunately he also bought potatoes as I'd probably forgotten to put them on the list and also baked beans for the same reason.

We now have four bags of potatoes and 11 tins of baked beans.

Next week I shall write on the list don't buy any fecking potatoes or beans, we don't need any.

  • Still I got my own back, we had jacket potatoes with baked beans tonight. Steve's not happy as there was no meat and a meal with no meat isn't really a meal.


justjill said...

Ha ha! xx

flis said...

Well,he will hopefully remember to follow your list next time,as his actions have caused him disappointment x

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Brilliant karma. X

Rambler said...

Is he trying to sink the boat?!! Tell him that dinner will be jacket potato and beans for the next 2 weeks! Lol, lol.

JanF said...

That was a clever response! Luckily potatoes and baked beans can both be used for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so not so bad to have excess of those. He could have done far worse!

Lynda said...

Ha! So funny! Does he remember to stay well away from others and wash his hands well?

Sue said...

There must be a lot of variations of meals you can make with potatoes and beans, if you keep it up until you go shopping again it should help him remember NOT to buy any more potatoes and beans. Maybe add one sausage to each of his beans and potato meals to add in some meat, no room for complaints then ... haha :-)

Hard up Hester said...

Unfortunately I'm not keen on baked beans, I will eat them but I don't enjoy them. I would add them to chilli, but Steve won't eat them that way.

AnjiDot said...

haha, that's the sort of thing my hubby does..

JanF said...

Try adding baked beans to soup, you can always put them through a blender or just smash them beforehand if you prefer. I like baked beans added to ordinary tomato soup.

Sewing mamie said...

I try to avoid my hubby going shopping alone at all cost , but many years ago when my daughter was young she was very ill and in hospital for an extended period , at some point hubby had to go shopping . I came home to find he had bought a huge jar of supermarket own coffee , I went straight to the shop and got myself a jar of acceptable coffee and I made him finish the supermarket own brand .

helen said...

My own recipe for baked beans is to fry off an onion, put in the beans with some kind of chilli flakes or powder then a teaspoon of peanut butter - smooth or crunchy. Cheese on top is extra.

Siebrie said...

A couple of years ago there was a documentary about dementia on Dutch television, including a report on a not-quite-elderly couple where the husband had started being forgetful. He could still drive a car along familiar routes, and go shopping, but had a tendency to just buy what he always bought. His wife was keen to keep him out of the house as much as possible, and she wrote a shopping list that followed the layout of the store. Whenever he came to a part of the store where he would automatically buy stuff, she added this item with a 'no' in front. So it went: 2 milk, no cheese, 1 butter. It worked well for them.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...