Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Lots of things to do.

As I said, yesterday's trip to DD1's was definitely an essential trip but it also meant I was able to collect some items that I'd had delivered there.

These are the items I collected.
Two purple suncatchers
A roll of bin bags.
A box of poo bags.
A pack of four inch charm squares.
A part completed tapestry.
A pair of cream fingerless gloves, these are seconds, they came with a scrap of pink fabric and some buttons to cover the fault.

Steve did our weekly shop today, as you may remember he went overboard on the potatoes a couple of weeks ago and last week he bought ten pork pies! This week he over bought on spinach, still at least it freezes.


Lynda said...

Crazy times! If anyone else would do the shopp8ng I’d forgive them for overbuying..except I realize your space is limited!

Ellen D. said...

When I think back to the "olden days" of my grandparents, I think one thing that they would get a good chuckle out of is "poo bags"!! I mean I know they are necessary and I am so grateful to the dog owners that use them but, really, I think my Grandma would say, "That's nuts!" :) Glad you got some crafts,etc. to work on. Thanks for the posts!

flis said...

Those gloves sound great and quirky- and I hope the suncatchers bring sunshine into your life x

My Piece of Earth said...

You got a lot of goodies during your trip out. Most everyone here uses dog poo bags, but I wish some of them would take them home to dispose of instead of throwing them in bushes or in long grass.

My hubby (not really married, common law) Oh the shame, goes with me .to shop for groceries now that is is off work during this crisis, (he does not need to work, 78 years old, loves his job). My store shopping cart is full by them we are ready to leave the store. We are very fortunate because we have no financial or storage worries. Mind you, when I had a young family, I had a budget to stick to and at times it was very difficult, had to bypass some things or substitute something else instead.
I read your blog most days, just started up mine again, pay me a visi.t

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...