Wednesday, 8 April 2020

They've arrived

My fabric and scrubs pattern.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Good luck.

50 and counting said...

Can I offer some tips? I wear scrubs five days a week, lol, so might be considered an expert on the subject.

If you are putting pockets on the legs, do one on each leg. Only one is kind of confusing and I wind up trying to put things in non existent pockets.

On the scrub top pattern you have, is the front seamed? If it's not, a breast pocket is awesome, usually on the left. It's the one thing I miss most. Manufacturers seem to have discontinued that third pocket in the last five years.

The breast pocket is awesome because you can clip your ID tags on it, tuck your ID into it if you wear a lanyard, shove your pens in it. The leg pockets wind up holding your census papers, odd dressings, IV cannulas and spare change or cash card for coffee breaks.

Ooh, and drawstring waists are more comfortable than elastic.

Hope this helps.

JanF said...

Thank you for doing this, Hester. You are a star!

Margie from Toronto said...

It is wonderful what all the sewers are doing. I called my stepmom today and she had just made a delivery of masks to the local hospital (for non front-line staff, patients and visitors) and picked up more fabric as the nurses have requested tote bags to put their scrubs in. My stepmom is a member of a quilt guild and all 100 members have pledged to do this work - apparently hundreds of masks were being delivered as she arrived. My step brother is home at the moment as he is injured so she has put him to work cutting out the pieces for the bags!

Stephanie said...

����. Thank you!

mamasmercantile said...

Hope all goes well, you are doing a fantastic job.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...