Friday, 3 April 2020

Hot Lips

I have a trout pout, in fact I have a hot trout pout.

No I haven't gone mad and had filler injections.

I'll tell you what happened.

I was walking Beano around the marina, at the same time a chap was walking his dog Gyp, she is a Jack Russell Staffy cross.

Beano and Gyp are great friends and there is no way to keep them apart once they've seen each other.

The two dogs were racing around chasing each other and then both ran straight towards me. I bent down to stroke them both as Gyp jumped up.

We met in he middle and Gyp managed to headbut me straight in the mouth.

It was a complete accident, Gyp is a lovely girl and just wanted a cuddle.


Chris said...

Been there, had that happen to me but not with a dog! Hope your tooth is intact but I bet you will have a fat lip tomorrow!

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Had many a fat lip and all by misjudged accidents. They do go relatively quickly.

Hard up Hester said...

Teeth are intact fortunately but I dribble when I talk!

Anna said...

Hope it’s not too painful. I would love to have a dog now I’m retired, however don’t know how cat would like it. Ax

mamasmercantile said...

Bless you, hope you don't have a lot of pain.

Suemn said...

Dogs... What would we do without them? ha!

JanF said...

Glad to hear your teeth are O.K. That would have been a big problem. The mouth heals fairly fast and I hope yours does. No lipstick for a while!
You certainly have an active life!

Col said...

Ooooh, that will have brought tears to your eyes!
When I was in my late teens, my dog once blacked my eye, I was bending down towards her, she jumped up at me, the top of her head hit the bridge of my nose, blood (mine) sprayed everywhere and my mum almost fainted! I was fine, my nose soon stopped bleeding, but the next morning I had a shiner of legendary proportions!
Hope your trout pout is soon gone! X

flis said...

You were very good about it,some may have been furious.I've had people tell me off of if my little one jumps up on them to say hello.My top dog terrier struggled as I picked him up and threw his head backwards and I felt my eye socket swell immediately.I was out in the countryside with him at the time -it was a wopperx

LameWolf said...

Oh bless. I've been on the receiving end of many a "Staffie Kiss"; I swear their heads are solid concrete!
And I remember the time a highly excitable crossbreed named Holly decided she wanted to meet the Yorkie I was walking, and she ended up leaping onto my lap on my mobility scooter. Unfortunately, she's been in the brook just minutes earlier. :-D

Hard up Hester said...

That's the joy of being a dog lover, I've been bitten, scratched, trodden on, knocked over, pulled into the Thames to name but a few.

Being careful.

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