Thursday, 2 April 2020

Peaceful day

Steve went to bed early yesterday, he stayed in bed most of today. He finally got up at 4pm but he stayed up only long enough to watch the news and eat a meal. He was back in bed by 7.

I've spent the day taking him sandwiches and drinks but I don't mind that. It's been nice not having him sat at the breakfast bar like a thunder cloud.

I've just watched an episode of GP's behind closed doors. One of the patients had kidney stones. It reminded me of the Christmas when my ex husband had kidney stones. His mother insisted that I'd caused the kidney stones by not cooking the turkey correctly!


Chris said...

My laugh of the day. Thanks, Hester!

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

You've had an eventful life. I'm so pleased you still have a sense of humour.

JanF said...

I believe you may have mentioned the m-in-law from Hell before. What a pain she was.
Glad you had a quiet day.

Col said...

I'm willing to bet that if you'd known what a swine your ex husband would turn out to be, you'd have given him worse than kidney stones!
Keep buggering on Sue, hoping Steve improves soon, in every way! X

Sue said...

You get the blame for everything don't you, but that takes the biscuit ... bloody mother in laws!!

flis said...

I wonder if he ever ridded his body of them-you could have ground them up and made gravy and fed them to the delightful lady.I heard of someone doing this with her husband's toenails as she had asked him not to sit cutting his toenails whilst watching tv x

Hard up Hester said...

I like that idea flis.

I've had two mothers in law, the second one was lovely, she made up for the first one.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...