Sunday, 19 April 2020


I'm on a couple of boaters groups on Facebook, useful for sharing information about out of order locks and broken pump outs.

On Friday someone who moors nearby, posted a pic of two Strongbow cans left on the bench by the lock we walk to every day. The pic was accompanied by a long rant about inconsiderate people leaving litter and visiting places they shouldn't.

We didn't walk to the lock on Saturday as it was raining and Beano and Steve both hate the rain.

Today we walked there and the cans were still on the bench, I used a poo bag to pic them up and put them in the bin that is about two meters away.

I cannot understand how someone can go to all the trouble of taking a photo and typing a rant but not throw the cans away.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I hope you posted on Facebook that you'd done a good deed by putting then in the bin. Well done.

Chris said...

Who can tell the workings of the strange mind? Best to not even try!

Angela said...

Somebody posted a picture on our town Facebook page of a man hitting golf balls in the park (it's always been an offence, because a path runs through the middle) Loads of comments followed suggesting he could have shouted at the golfer, or rung the police. Just posting a picture achieves nothing. People are strange. Well done you for dealing with the cans in a sensible way. Keep safe, keep well

mamasmercantile said...

There is nowt as queer as folk...well done you!

Poppypatchwork said...

Sadly there are small minded people who feel they are right and show things their way, ie take a photo and rant. The rest of us, pop the cans in the bin.

Sewing mamie said...

The house next door to my daughter have been having parties , and previously she was very suspicious because of the number of people just calling at the door . She isfrightened to ring the police because they will know it was her that rung . A bit off post i know but i think people are unwilling to report things even if they know its wrong .

Anonymous said...

Some people are odd aren't they,a while ago someone here was circling dog poo with spray paint throughout the village -Fluerescnt and then small flags on top to mark it too x

Amanda said...

When I worked for the Park Service (US) it was a constant source of amazement/frustration how we'd have trash piled 1 and 2 feet high around the trash can, and the trash can would be half empty.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Agree. It is easy enough to take a bag on a dog walk and pick up any litter lying about.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...