Tuesday, 31 December 2024

 I shall be in bed before midnight so here's wishing everyone a Happy New Year.

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Waste not, want not.

I'm very careful about using up all the food I buy, Steve isn't, he buys mainly junk and party food. Fortunately it is mostly frozen but he will cook a tray full of stuff and then not eat it all. He tries to persuade me to eat his leftovers but I'm not a dustbin, so I refuse.

Today I've cleared out the fridge, collected all the ends of the assorted cheeses and grated them all along with the leftover bread. I've grated them all together and frozen a big bagful that will now be used to top an assortment of dishes.

Next on my list is prepping any veg left in the fridge drawer, some of the veg will be turned into soup, some will be served with other meals.

Saturday, 28 December 2024

And breathe.

Despite Steve's numerous melt-downs the visit from my oldest son and girlfriend went well. 

I think Steve finds any change to his daily routine difficult but as he can't accept this he resorts to shouting and yelling. I keep hoping he'll decide to go into town for a few hours as he hasn't left the flat for a few days now.

I managed to provide a lactose free buffet as son's girlfriend is lactose intolerant and it seemed to go down well with every one apart from Steve. Our neighbour Harry claims to be lactose intolerant but drinking black coffee seems to be his only concession, he happily eats cheese, rice pudding, butter and many similar items.

I purchased a new bed for Beano, Steve bought him one when we first got him but it was far too small so I gave it to my daughter as her dog was a Jack Russell/Chihuahua cross and quite tiny. Beano is twice her size, I bought him a flat bed that is furry on one side and shiny on the other, so far Beano has diligently ignored the bed! Still it's given Steve something different to shout about.

Thursday, 26 December 2024


Bloody hell!

My oldest son and his girlfriend are visiting tomorrow.

I didn't realise until after I offered to do a buffet for them that she is lactose intolerant.

Eeek, I checked out what I'd ordered and mostly it was ok but I did need some butter type spread.  I messaged my daughter that lives nearby as one of her children is lactose intolerant. She dropped me round a carrier bag containing all manner of lactose free food, including fake milk, cheese and butter. What a lifesaver.

When I took the carrier bag indoors Steve immediately started ranting on. I had no idea what his problem was, I told him to shut up and started unpacking the bag.

He carried on wittering on, claiming that he could have ordered all this stuff if only I'd asked him too. As I'm not used to buying lactose free food I'd be worried that I'd buy the wrong thing and cause an upset stomach.

At least this way I know the items my daughter has given me will be correct.


Yesterday as I set of with Beano for his morning walk there was a robin.

It was on the pillar light by the huge hedge. I was delighted to see it on Christmas day. There are often sparrows flitting in and out of the hedge but this is the first time I've seen a robin.

Later on when I walked Beano again I found a sprig of mistletoe beside the path. I love mistletoe but didn't find any to buy this year. I like to have holly, ivy and mistletoe in my window for Yule so I was delighted to find this small sprig.

Monday, 23 December 2024


 I met my son for lunch, he was falling asleep.

He'd spent the last few hours of his shift with a suicide attempt.

The person was talked down to safety eventually.

Not everyone's Christmas is merry and bright!

Friday, 20 December 2024

It's not a secret.

Y'day while Steve was out with his friend Bob, Betty phoned and asked if I'd like to go and get the cheap vegetables from the nearby supermarket.

I jumped at the chance, it's not far to the supermarket but lugging a load of heavy stuff home, even with the trolley is hard work.

It meant leaving Beano alone but I wasn't going to be long.

When Steve returned home he was full of all he'd done whilst out with Bob.

I tried a few times to tell him I'd been shopping and spent a whole £5.56 but I couldn't get a word in edgeways. Then he announced that his ears were sore and he was taking his deaf aids out. At that point I gave up.

This morning our supermarket delivery arrived, Steve puts it all on our bed, he puts away his food and beer, I put away the fruit and veg I've bought along with things like tea, coffee butter and cheese.

I got out all the veg I bought y'day  and wiped out the fridge, I re-lined the fridge drawer and  then I sorted the veg from y'day and today and put it all away. Steve wandered in and out the kitchen but didn't seem to notice there was more veg than he ordered.

He only eats potatoes and mushrooms so I don't think the green stuff registered with him

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Food pantry

I've joined the local food pantry and today I visited for the first time. My daughter took me as it was my first visit and I was worried about managing as it was dark when we got there. Now I've been once I'll be ok.

I paid £5 for £20 of food, I got an assortment of tins, some tea, cheese, butter, stock cubes, mince pies and a slab of fruit cake, best of all I got a cauliflower and two sprigs of rosemary.  I shall cheat with the rosemary and use it as a Christmas decoration.

On 19th Aldi have their veg at 15p I shall buy a selection, this, with the tinned kidney beans, black beans and tomatoes will make some lovely casseroles.

Monday, 16 December 2024

It's a water day.

Bleurgh, I'm feeling sorry for myself, I spent most of the night lurching from my bedroom to the bathroom.

It's not that unusual an occurrence, I think a lot of it is stress, dealing with Steve can be hard work at times.

He really hates me making friends or going out so he is aggrieved that I manage to do both occasionally. Tomorrow I'm hoping to go to the Food Pantry despite Steve and some other residents telling me I shouldn't go.

I've managed to walk Beano twice, though the first walk was more of a stagger. I'm now on the sofa, under a warm throw and I'll probably have a snooze it two.

I shall stick to water today and hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

Friday, 13 December 2024

Remembering a past Christmas

A young lad, year 5, cast in the school play as rocking chair. He was supposed to remain quiet and just rock occasionally, instead rocked throughout the entire play  squeaking repeatedly. His poor mother, sat beside me tying herself in knots, glaring at him, praying he would stop squeaking.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Blogger is playing silly boggers

For the last few mornings when I go to blogger to catch up with new posts I get pages of old posts.

Sometimes these are up to seven years old, it's very confusing.

Monday, 9 December 2024

Chicken casserole.

Yesterday's lamb was very nice and went down well. Even Steve was forced to admit I cooked a good roast that was better than his attempts.

Today I'm making chicken casserole in my slow cooker, like most of my meals it will be heavy on veg and light on meat. I also added some pre - soaked soup mix, split peas and pearl barley etc.

I've not added potatoes as I'm making mash as a side dish along with cabbage.

Steve's gone into town to meet his brother and hopefully to get his phone sorted. He only upgraded because a neighbour has upgraded his phone. Steve will eat at a pub but I have made a few sausage rolls for him to pick at when he gets home.

I've applied to the local food pantry and been accepted, I can go next week. They are only open from 4 - 5:30 so I'll wander along one day in daylight to check where I'm going.

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Stormy weather

I cleared the path of twigs and branches when Beano went out first thing.

I cleared it again when we went out for his second walk.

I'm still clearing it three times a day to make it easier for my neighbours to negotiate.

Steve is watching the the Grand Prix and shouting, I'm watching the Star Wars trilogy with subtitles and in silence!

I have a piece of lamb cooking, I'll do the potatoes and other veg later. The lamb is a boned breast and will take three hours to cook, according to the instructions on the label. I'll do carrots and cabbage with it

I've told Steve it will be ready at 5 o'clock, that way he won't keep asking me every ten minutes "it it ready yet?"

 if Steve complains again today I shan't cook again!

Friday, 6 December 2024

Steve's bought a new phone

This is a crisis!

Steve's bought a new phone!

So far Steve's managed to lock us out of Amazon and Tesco because he couldn't remember the passwords and so he changed them and then forgot what he changed them to!

As he doesn't access either website from his phone I have no idea what he was trying to do.

I went to the summer house as soon as he started fiddling with his new phone. His friend Bob came home with him to try and help but he eventually gave up and went home. 

I have a standard response to any tech question Steve might ask me. It's " I don't know"!

I used to be quite good at managing phones and computers but that was when I could still see.I

Steve will ask me questions and tell me I'm wrong even when I'm correct.

Another Christmas treat.

I ordered and received a box of violet creams, yummy. Another treat to add to my Christmas stash. I've also ordered a cheese selection and some crackers.

I then met my son and had breakfast at a local cafe and he's arranged to see me again in a couple of weeks. 

 The following day  I was out with Betty, shopping at Asda. I bought mainly vegetables as I'm not keen on buying them online. I prefer to choose what I'm getting.

Today Steve is going out and meeting Bob so I will watch a seasonal film on tv, there is a Grand Prix on again this weekend so Steve will watch that.

I'll take my hearing aids out for the duration of the qually's and the race as I find the noise of the cars going round the track irritating. It also means I don't have to listen to Steve shouting and swearing with excitement.

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Wax melts.

I ordered some wax melts, by mistake I had them sent to my daughter's address. I warned her what I'd done and suggested she keep them.

I then ordered a second set, to my correct address, they arrived this morning. They are very nice but I've also received someone else's order along with mine.

I contacted the company and offered to pay for what I'd received, I can't send them back as I can't get to a Post Office or similar. They said I can keep them!

I shall give some of them to both my daughter's as there is far too much for me to use. I'm hoping my daughter's can use them as gifts for teachers or friends.

Amongst other things there was some stuff to sprinkle on the carpets, this can't be used by me or my daughter's as we all have pets that walk on our carpets. I've sent it over to the summer house to see if there is a resident that can use it. I hate waste.I

There is a craft sale in the summer house, I was going to go over but Steve wanted to go and sit with his current crush, so I stayed home!

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Morning walk.

I'm out of cash and there is a craft sale in the summer house today.

So instead of one of Beano's usual walks, we walked to the petrol station on the A4.

I had asked Steve if I could leave Beano with him but he refused, I was only concerned that if the cash machine wasn't working I'd have to walk to Lidl and get cash back. Beano isn't allowed in Lidl and I won't leave him outside.

Fortunately the cash machine was working so I can pay Steve £30 towards the food shop and I have money for the craft fair. I usually buy lavender bags,  if there are none I will just make a donation.

Beano was a bit discombobulated by the change in routine but he was happy with all the new smells. The walk to the petrol station means I'm already over half way to my usual step count.

Steve is up already and in the shower, he's off into town to buy Christmas cards and eat breakfast in McDonald's and to visit the pub for his second breakfast!

Monday, 2 December 2024

My Christmas treats.

The Christmas treats that I've ordered for myself have started to arrive.

Yesterday there was a small box delivered, it contained a very small Panettone, a bar of pistachio chocolate and a small box of Ameretti biscuits. Steve won't eat any of these so I shall pig out on them.

I've also ordered some wax melts, I'm hoping they will drown out the constant smell of BBQ sauce flavoured everything that Steve eats.

We've put up a very small tree that has its own lights and we've strung some lights around and the window. I have some more decorations that I will hang today. I don't think I'll be able to get any mistletoe which is a shame, I like to hang it on my window.

Also arrived y'day the very first Christmas card it's from one of the residents. I now need to dig ours out ready to give out.

Saturday, 30 November 2024

I'm a lucky duck.

I received a gift y'day  some shower gel, body lotion and soap, all in lavender, my favourite smell. Also in the package was a gift token from M&S, some dog treats and the most gorgeous thick fluffy throw. 

Beano and I have argued over the throw as he likes to snuggle up on it. I keep telling him it's mine, all mine!

I've draped it over the sofa and a few times when I've been wrapped up in it I've fallen asleep.

When I went to bed last night I took the throw in to my bedroom and place it on my side of the bed. I tucked it around me, this means that when Steve lifts up the covers on his side of the bed, because he hates being hot, I was no longer chilled by the influx of cold air.

The Christmas decorations were put up in the summer house today I made a batch of vegetable soup, it was a rather unattractive shade of green but most people had two helpings as it was very tasty. Even Steve took a mugful and pretended to drink it.

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Frosty morning.

Very frosty this morning but it's bright, we've had no rain so the pavements aren't slippery. 

Beano likes the cold weather, today he chose a different route for his morning walk. He seems to know where he's going so he sometimes does his walks in reverse.

One of Steve's complaints if I want to go out without Beano is that Steve doesn't know his way around the surrounding estates. I told him it would be ok as Beano knows where he is going!

Steve seems a bit brighter, he cooked himself a plate of battered prawns y'day. As usual he ate it smothered in BBQ sauce, bleugh!

Today the new mattress covers are arriving so I'll strip the bed again and remake it with a fresh cover. I've also ordered some mini dog treats for Beano as I've run out. I'm tempted to buy him some chickens feet, they look like huge spiders when left on the floor.

Y'day I walked up to Lidl for some fresh rolls and I also bought a cheese twist for my breakfast. It was very nice but filled me up for the rest of the day.

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

New mattress covers

Steve is unwell, he stayed home today despite this being one of his going out days.

I stripped the bed once he got up, washed the bedding to remove all evidence of him being unwell.

I need to replace the mattress cover, I've ordered two new ones from Amazon, one will be here tomorrow, I will strip the bed again tomorrow and swap out the mattress cover.

I've suggested he starts wearing pyjamas in bed or at the least a pair of underpants. 

I'm now wondering if this was just as a result of something he ate/drank or is it a symptom of something more serious.

He flatly refuses to visit the Drs, that's if he could even get an appointment.

Monday, 25 November 2024


Y'days lamb was delicious and there is lots left. So today I'm making a stew, I'll use half of the left over lamb and add onion and carrots. I'll serve it with mashed potatoes and peas. This will be for me, Steve won't eat it as it has veg in it!

We've had discussions in the past as I hate wasting food and I like to use up any leftovers from Sunday. Steve will eat boiled meat but won't eat it if there are any vegetables in with it. He's decided to have a sandwich!

Sunday, 24 November 2024


I'm cooking the Sunday roast again today, I can't face another ruined meal at 8 o'clock at night with Steve either in a strop or in floods of tears.

We're having a shoulder of lamb.

I turned the oven on to about 220, once the oven was hot I put the lamb in, it has been been removed from its plastic wrapping, resting on a large dish on the windowsill. I've sliced some garlic into slivers and pushed them into slots I've cut in the lamb along with some sprigs of rosemary. I've also sprinkled it with some black pepper. After an initial blast at this temperature I've turned it down to 160 and it can cook slowly for a few hours.

Steve is complaining bitterly about how I'm doing it all wrong, I should have smothered it in dried mixed herbs, he's convinced it will be cooked through in 20 minutes and be burnt to a crisp in 30 minutes.

I shall serve the lamb with roast potatoes, carrots and peas.

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Road salt.

Earlier this week the gardening company arrived at 7:30 a.m.

They proceeded to sprinkle road salt on all our paths, this is a great idea as many of the residents are elderly and unsteady.

Unfortunately our Mrs Slocombe didn't agree, she was was worried that her cat would get sore feet so she went out and swept up all the salt on site!

I do have some sympathy with her as the road salt affects Beano and makes his feet very sore. Because of this I wash his feet when we come in from a walk.

I think it would be better if she washed her cats feet rather than putting all the residents at risk.

If I'd fallen after she'd swept up the salt I'd have been very tempted to sue her.

Friday, 22 November 2024

Panic stations.

On Friday's we have a Tesco delivery, it's usually booked for 11 a.m.

On Friday Steve gets up by 9 a.m. to give himself about two hours of panic time.

As he panics and paces between the flat and the car park he is also ranting on, so Beano finds this very stressful.

I stay calm and try to keep Beano calm as well, the problem with this is that Steve actually wants us to be as stressed as he is.

He cannot understand why I'm so calm, but we've been having deliveries for years now. When we were on the boat we would moor near a road bridge and provide Tesco with the bridge number so the drivers knew where they could park.

For Steve it's any excuse to panic and rant he seems to find it necessary!

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Rescue dogs.

Every dog we had when I was a child was a rescue, not necessarily from a rehoming centre. Usually we got them because a friend or neighbour didn't want them any more.

So when Steve and I decided to get a dog I chose a rescue, we looked around several local centres but most of them had only large dogs. As we lived on the boat at the time there wasn't room for anything too big.

I also knew Steve's interest in any dog we got would be fleeting at best, so I decided a smaller dog would be ideal. I did think he'd be a better owner than he has proved to be. He has never fed Beano and only walked about four times in all the time we've had him. He is constantly aggrieved because Beano prefers me.

Beano is more comfortable around women than men when he first meets them. He is scared of teenage boys and some young men. This can be the problem with rescue dogs as they can have suffered in their earlier lives. My daughters dog had been badly abused when he was a puppy but he is a happy dog and seems to have no memory of the abuse he suffered.

When I took Beano out for his first walk this morning there were council workmen felling a nearby tree. This meant I had to persuade Beano to take a different route to the usual first walk of the day. To my surprise he was perfectly content to walk in a different direction. Mind you, it's been so cold today that Beano has done every walk at a fast trot.

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Some in, some out.

I'm aiming to keep the status quo with my clothes so although I've bought new stuff, some stuff has gone. 

None of my  clothes have gone to charity shops as that would mean catching two busses into town.

One dress that was too big was passed on to a friend of my daughter. 

The leggings I'd shrunk out of were passed on to my daughter as she is the same size as me but taller.

Everything else I'm getting rid of is beyond acceptable wear.

My old leggings had numerous holes in and two of my tops had burn marks from when I used to cook on gas on the boat.

These items have been disposed of in a textile bank by my other daughter who has one in her village.

I'll admit I'm lazy about recycling, if I can't do it locally, stuff will go in the rubbish bin. The recycling bins here in the flats are frequently full to bursting as people out empty boxes in without folding then down. They are very limited in what we can put in, as in no glass etc.

Friday, 15 November 2024

This is not Beruit!

Steve has been scaring our neighbours.

One of them wanted to sell a recliner chair, Steve asked how much, not that he wants a chair. When he was told the price he kicked off about how it wasn't worth that much. He did the same a few months back when another resident was selling her car. As neither of us drive he obviously wasn't really interested. He just wanted to tell her how clever he is.

if Steve knows anyone is selling anything he shows an interest. But only so he can tell them how silly they are expecting so much money for an item that is valueless. Obviously when Steve is selling something he always asks for way more than the item is worth and is upset when he can't get the price he wants.

He's now turned his attention to urban myths and is telling everyone terrifying tales of people who tried to sell an item and were later burgled. Or who were out in their car  and approached by someone who beat them up and stole their car.

Murder, bomb threats, burglary, he has endless tales of things he's been told that happened, not to him, but to someone he'd been talking to in the pub.

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Still spending!

I've had a lazy day, mainly snoozing on the sofa between walking Beano. Steve has been very subdued, he probably has a hangover

I've now bought two new dresses to go with the tights my daughter gave me. I've also ordered a new pair of leggings as after I'd given the larger ones to my daughter I only have two pairs left. I wear leggings every day as dog walking can be chilly in the winter time. I've ordered Llama leggings instead of Snag for a change, they are patterned and very brightly  coloured. If I like them I will buy another pair. I also recently bought new knickers and new socks too.

Yesterday I bought a new toaster as mine had given up the ghost, it was only a cheap one and we'd  had it almost four years and it was in daily use.

Then I noticed that I've gone through the sole of my slippers, they will soon be unsafe to walk in. I've ordered new slippers as well.

Bad night!

Steve sat up until silly o'clock listening to music. By the time he came to bed he was drunk as a skunk. He tripped and fell on Beano, Beano grumbled as he'd been so suddenly awakened. Steve started to shout and swear. Accusing Beano of attacking him!

By the time they'd both settled down I was wide awake and stayed that way until 3 a.m.

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Morning walk.

As I walked Beano this morning I saw two schoolboys walking to the bus stop. They were kicking about and scuffling. They were equally matched for size and both grinning. There seemed to be no animosity between them.

It reminded me of the time I was called into school for my oldest son. It was secondary school, a single sex boys school. 

I'd chosen this school specifically for him, he's dyslexic and I was given the choice between a school that would keep him in a special unit for children with assorted problems or one where he'd be in with the main stream but given support. We talked it over, visited both schools and decided on the one where he'd be in the main stream.

Al was, by now in Year Three and was settled and doing very well. I was called in as he'd tripped and ripped his trousers badly. I arrived at the school with a pair of trousers for him and was escorted to one of the offices. There were concerns about the incident, was he being bullied would I speak to my son, who wasn't very forthcoming, and find out what was going on.

I was taken to the med room where my son was, Al seemed a little cautious until the other staff left the room. Once we were alone he told me what had happened. He'd been sat on the back of a bench with his heels hooked into the gap between the back an front of the seat. His best friend had come up behind him and tickled him. He'd lurched forward ripping his trousers and skinning his knees. He refused to say what had happened as he didn't want to get his friend into trouble.

Once he was changed I returned to the office and assured them that all was well, that Al wasn't being bullied and that it had been a genuine accident. Whilst I was still in the office Al's Head of year walked in and the situation was explained to him. He looked at me, grinned and said the Peterson boy was it? 

The Peterson boy was Al 's best friend, they'd just been lacking around.

Saturday, 2 November 2024

What i want.

Is to watch a couple of episodes of Endeavour, I've started back at the beginning of the series.

Unfortunately this isn't going to happen, Steve is watching the Grand Prix qualifier.

He seems to find it necessary to shout at full volume and to insist on relaying the information to me that I can hear perfectly well as he has the TV on very loud!

Friday, 1 November 2024

New clothes.

When I visited my daughter, I took with me a dress, I'd ordered and when it arrived I stuck it in the wardrobe. When I finally got around to trying it on I discovered it was far too big. 

It was too late to send it back so I asked if my daughter's friend would like it as she is a larger lady.

My daughter then gave me a bag of Snag tight that were too small for her. Next time I see her I will give her three pairs of Snag leggings that are now to big on me.

I reordered the dress I wanted in my size and then ordered two more.

Well I need dresses as I've now got lots of pairs of tights!

Tuesday, 29 October 2024


 I visited one of my daughter's today. 

One of my granddaughters has been selling crochet items at craft fairs, she's made herself some pocket money from her hobby.

I'm delighted as I'm the person who taught her to crochet!

Monday, 28 October 2024

Thieving barstewards!

I received a text message this morning telling me I was eligible for a £900 top up of my state pension. 

I thought this was unlikely so I checked it out.

It's a con, the criminals claim the payment will be paid into your bank account so they need your bank or credit card details.

I receive my pension directly into my bank account so if it was true they wouldn't need my bank details!

Be careful what you share there are thieves out there.

Thursday, 24 October 2024

My Samhain bauble.

It's a large clear bauble containing Mugwort, Hawthorne berries and Rosemary. It's sealed with black wax and hangs from a black velvet ribbon.

I'm now waiting for the cat lady to complain! I'd hate for her to get bored.

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

A change of roast!

After two years of appalling roast dinners and lots of tears Steve finally seems to have accepted that he cannot cook a roast dinner.

I've offered suggestions but have been shouted down as he thinks  I'm only trying to cause trouble!

He has decided to buy Aunt Bessie's this weekend so everything is prepared and all he has to do is sling it in the oven.

We will see how it goes, I'm not bothered about the food but if we could manage a Sunday without temper tantrums and tears, that would be a great improvement.

Tuesday, 22 October 2024


Yellow shoes, this complex is for over 55's only.

Lyssa, I like that saying and it's very true, I cannot understand why people complain about things that don't actually affect them.

I go with "You do you, I'll do me ".

Saturday, 19 October 2024

So far it's crap

It's a bloody joke!

The Housing Company are very good at sending out paperwork that has no relevance. They are also very, very good at getting paid by the residents.

But when it comes to paying the gardeners, cleaners and window cleaners they dont!

Obviously it could be the fault of Housing 21 the previous company and no doubt they will each blame the other.

Friday, 18 October 2024

I don't like Friday's

Tesco delivers on Friday, so Steve gets up by 9 to prepare for the delivery at 11 a.m. 

He paces between the flat and the car park, wittering on and complaining nonstop.

By the time the shopping arrived I'm already exhausted from the constant agitation.

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Happiness hoover.

Yes I know it's plastic tat, as are most Christmas decorations. I won't see any Christmas decorations lit up as I don't walk after dark. I don't get wound up about what other people do. I buy minimal stuff when I shop. Steve buys shed loads of crap.

For me it's a case of  "You do you, I'll do me ".

I get great pleasure in seeing people enjoying themselves whether it includes plastic crap or not.

Some of my neighbours seem to complain about so much, the garden, which should be a pleasure for everybody is frequently a source of complaints and stress.

They complain about the noise of the children from the nearby school, whereas I like to hear the children playing.

Saturday, 12 October 2024


I've been very lax about blogging.

Apart from walking Beano I rarely leave site so I have little to blog about.

Here is a pic I took of a nearby house whist on my morning dog walk.

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

New chair.

Harry next door has ordered a new chair, a recliner. He has trouble getting out of a chair so he's purchased one that will tip him up onto his feet. Whilst I'm sure this will be a great help to Harry I'm not sure where he is going to put it.

These flats aren't big and when Harry lost his mother he brought a lot of her furniture from her flat to his. He already has two three piece suites in his living room along with a table and chairs. Still that's Harry's problem not mine.

Sunday, 6 October 2024

And again!

Steve has sat in silence for most of today, he often does.

Then at 2:30 he decided to start cooking lunch.

He looked at the meat, he's bought a boned breast of lamb, big enough to feed an army.

To his absolute amazement the cooking time is three hours.

He is confident that the meat will be cooked in an hour, it can't possibly take three hours!

He does this most weekends and most weekends ends up in tears as lunch hasn't gone to plan.

I've tried making suggestions but I just get shouted at as I'm far too stupid to understand what's happening.

I made myself a cheese sandwich as I had breakfast at 8a.m.

Yet again the fridge will be full of half cooked meat for the week.

I've prepped some cabbage to go with the lamb, Steve wanted cabbage but doesn't want fresh cabbage only frozen. 

Nemmind, I'll eat the cabbage.

Saturday, 5 October 2024

Shopping when drunk

That's the only explanation I can think off. 

Whilst I was out with Beano a parcel was delivered, it was two Radar keys. These enable you to access disabled toilets. Steve ordered them.

I understand why he wanted one as he goes into town two or three times a week and drinks to excess.

I go once every couple of months when Cass takes me, I've never yet needed the toilet in town, I have always waited until I'm home.

Steve also purchased two flat caps, again, I'm not sure why, he doesn't wear the one he has already.

Friday, 4 October 2024

Peaceful afternoon.

Tesco delivered this morning at about 11:30 Steve was up and pacing from 9 o'clock!

Once the shopping was put away I took Beano out for another walk, by the time I returned Steve has gone into Reading to meet Bob.

I spent a peaceful afternoon reading Past Lying by Val Mcdermid and making a pan of chicken stew. I added lots of vegetables, as I always do.

I think Steve is building up to telling me I need to start cooking again, he's been dropping hints. He's in for a disappointment as I'm not interested in heating up party food in the air fryer for him.

I've been asked if I'd like to join in with the weekly meal get together as it is restarting soon but I've declined, Steve would only ruin it for everyone as he did last year.

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Trip out.

I've been out with Betty, woohoo. We went to Asda where I bought broccoli and a stew pack of veg. We went to their cafe and had fish and chips, £14 for both of us with a cuppa. I thought that was very reasonable. A pensioners portion of fish and chips is £8 from the local chippy.

We also went to Waitrose so Betty could get double yolked eggs and B&M for marshmallows.

Flis, Steve wouldn't accept power of attorney, he's convinced he's ok.

Unknown, I wouldn't feel safe renting a property, not enough security.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Shopping spree

I've treated myself to a pack of socks and two new long sleeved t-shirts. I threw out my existing two t-shirts at the end of last winter. I'd had them both for about eight years. They were misshapen and the cuffs were frayed. 

Even though I no longer live on a boat I still layer up my clothes. I wear a short sleeved t-shirt a long sleeved t-shirt a long sleeved top and a cardigan.

We only have electric to the flat, no gas. We have ancient storage heaters, one in the bedroom and one in the living room. We've never used the one in the bedroom. The bills are extortionate even during the summer months when it's just for the immersion heater, kettle, t.v. and air fryer.

Monday, 30 September 2024

There was a time.

I used to make bread, jams, chutneys, elderberry cordial, all sorts of things.

But no more, I don't have the eyesight or the inclination. Though sometimes it grieves me to see the autumn harvest going to waste.

I've been looking at retirement flats in a nearby village, the road outside has become incredibly busy. A recent lorry count showed an increase in lorry traffic. It's up from 100 a day to in excess of 400 a day in just the last year. These aren't small lorries, they are tipper trucks, cement mixers, pantechnicons etc. It's a huge amount of traffic for a relatively small road.

I take my life in my hands every time I cross the road to walk Beano. I don't have a choice, the park is on the other side of the road as is the housing estate I walk him round. But my eyesight is almost gone in my left eye.

Steve was keen to move although he wants to move to rented accommodation I want to buy a property. So I can't see any chance of actually moving, but it's nice to dream.

Sunday, 29 September 2024


Chris, I've read and enjoyed all of Elly Griffiths and Val Mcdermid along with many others.

Steve is currently cooking a slab of beef, he will cook some roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings with it too but no veg, if I want veg I have to cook it myself. I shall have spinach and peas I think.

It's chilly here and windy, Beano's favourite weather so we've been out for three long walks already. No doubt we'll go out for a couple more walks before bedtime.

There is no quiz for the next three Wednesday's our quizmaster is away on holiday. It's a shame as I enjoy a quiz and Wednesday's are often the only time I go over to the summer house. If I go on other days Steve comes to and talks over me, he doesn't attend on quiz days as he doesn't like quizzes.

Saturday, 28 September 2024

Comments and waffle

Thank you for all your comments.

Mean Queen, we saw David from Cruising the Cut a few times when we were on the boat.

Unknown, Steve doesn't walk Beano ever, and hasn't for years. A few weeks ago when we met up with friends who still live on a boat, Steve walked Beano across the car park to their car. This is when Beano was on tiptoe.

The window cleaners have visited today, I must tell Steve as they will be gone before he gets up. I have done some washing and it's on the maiden, by the front door in the sun.

I'm watching Ludwig on t.v. it's amusing, easy watching, not too taxing. I only watch one episode a day as that is all my eyes can take. I also enjoyed Grace and Whitstable Pearl. I don't watch the soaps or any game show.

I'm reading Deadly Games  by Sally Rigby, I read a book in a day or two, again, nothing too taxing. I don't read romances, I prefer murder mysteries, sci fi or fantasy. I have my kindle set to a huge font size  so it is easy to read.

I think I've wittered on long enough now!

Friday, 27 September 2024

Making flapjacks

We have a Macmillan coffee morning here today, I was going to make  brownies but I ran out of enthusiasm, so I made flapjacks instead.

I'm one of only two people who will make cakes of any sort so they will have to do.

It's chilly and windy here this morning so Beano's first walk was more of a sprint than a stroll as he hates getting wet.

We're back home now, Beano has a dog treat and I have a cup of fruit tea.

As it's Friday, Steve is up and pacing, waiting for the shopping to be delivered. It won't be here until around elevenish, but he will pace and panic until it arrives.

We have a Lidl and Aldi at the top of the road so we would not starve if the shopping didn't arrive, but still he panics.

Thursday, 26 September 2024

Beano and Steve.

Beano has had two walks so far today and is currently snoozing on the sofa beside me.

Steve is still in bed, some weeks ago I suggested he joined me for Beano's mid morning walk. Since then he's stayed in bed until midday unless he gets up and goes out before I get back from Beano's first walk.

It's probably a good thing, if Steve walks with me he has Beano on such a short lead the poor dog is on tiptoe. Beano is also not allowed to stop and sniff anything or any other dog!

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Watching canal boat diaries.

It brings back memories of living in a boat and I prefer to watch Robbie Cumming rather than Pru and Tim.

At least with Robbie you can see how hard some of the locks are to handle. You can see the effort he has to put in to opening some of the locks gates and he's a young man. For me as a 70 year old woman it was bloody difficult.

With Pru and Tim they had two crewed boats that travelled with them. This made it all look so easy, obviously it made for good tv ratings.

Today I'm making chocolate brownies ,  there is a Macmillan coffee morning tomorrow in the summer house. The chocolate brownies are my contribution towards it. There is a craft sale on too so I will buy another couple of lavender bags.


Thank you for all your kind comments.

For those who don't now, a conker is a horse chestnut.

Not to be mistaken for edible chestnuts which are delicious after being roasted in a brazier or in the ashes of a fire.

I've offered to collect some for a neighbour who is terrified of spiders.

I treated myself y'day to a salmon poke bowl, it was delicious, today I'm making chicken caesar salad. I get very lax about food so y'day I walked up to Lidl and stocked up with fresh salad stuff.

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Its that time of year.

I love conkers, I always have.

I've no interest in the game whereby you try to smash another conker by bashing it with your own.

I love the colour and how they look when peeping out of their green spiky shells.

There are a couple of large chestnut trees near where I live and I've filled two bowls with conkers.

My neighbours think the conkers are there to repel spiders but they are just there because I like to see them.

Friday, 20 September 2024

Thursday, 5 September 2024

A bump in the road.

As the title says, I have hit a bump in the road, not a physical one, but a bump never the less.

Therefore I will not be posting for a while.

Saturday, 31 August 2024

My poor hands

My left hand is stiff and  sore all the way up to my shoulder. It's from hanging on to Beano's lead when we were visiting our boater friends on Wednesday.

Beano took great exception to the cyclists whizzing along the tow path. Slow bikes he is fine with, he will ignore them but not the cyclists who hammer along at great speed expecting everyone to leap out of their way.

For some reason, today my right hand is now also stiff  and sore, but this is only my in my hand, my arm and shoulder are fine.

I've taken a paracetamol so I'm sure it will soon be better.

On Friday morning the new resident stopped me, she wanted to make a complaint. I suppose it was only a matter of time before she got round to me. She has complained about many things since she arrived. She complained about Beano. It seems he disturbed her on Wednesday by barking non-stop all day. Whilst I'll admit Beano did bark a lot on Wednesday he was 5 or 6 miles from our flat visiting our friends on the narrow boat.

Next time there is somebody here from the housing association I will speak to them and explain that we were not on site at the time the resident claims she heard Beano barking for hours.  I expect she did hear a dog barking, there are quite a few around and some of them are very vocal.

Thursday, 29 August 2024

A day out.

Yesterday we went to visit friends of ours, they live in their narrow boat and were moored nearby.

We have not seen them for a few years as they have been travelling both by boat and in their campervan.

It was lovely to see them and we had a BBQ on the canal bank.

Beano has a lovely time playing with their dog Daisy and a long run in the fields nearby.

Steve has arranged to go on a short boat trip with them in a couple of weeks. He is desperate to steer the boat. I shall probably stay home as their deck has only room for three people. Beano and I would have to stay inside for the trip.

I will check how far they are travelling, if it's five miles or less I will go and Beano and I will walk the towpath.

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

How much?

Steve decided to buy a leaf blower as we are surrounded by trees.

Unfortunately we are also surrounded by a high wall.

It didn't occur to Steve that there would be nowhere to blow the leaves to.

He spent £190 on the leaf blower I'm assuming it's gold plated at that price.

He used it y'day morning, he blew the leaves away from the front door, about 10 inches from the front door.

The leaf blower is now in the hall cupboard, I doubt it will see the light of day again!

Friday, 23 August 2024

Heavy breathing.

Sorry that my posts are a bit sporadic, it depends very much on how Steve is whether I get chance to post or not.

Steve refuses to wear his hearing aids indoors, he refuses  to accept that he is deaf. Because of this, he doesn't notice that his breathing is incredibly loud. It like having a steam train in the living room.

I went to bed at 11 on Wednesday night, well, I intended to, but Steve was snoring up a storm. Even when I took my hearing aids out I could still hear him. I returned to the living room and watched Whitstable Pearl on my kindle until 1 a.m. Steve was still snoring but by then I was tired enough not to care. I was up and dressed just after 5 a.m. Steve finally surfaced around 11 a.m and insisted he hadn't slept a wink all night. 

Steve is still accompanying me to the summer house meetings, y'day a meal out was mentioned, we were invited to join we both agreed but I expect Steve will drop out at the last minute. He will expect me to drop out as well.

Monday, 19 August 2024

Silence is golden.

After y'day when Steve ranted and bitched non-stop all day mainly about immigration, today we are having a day of silence. 

I've no idea why he is silent but I'm enjoying the peace and quiet. He isn't sulking because he doesn't do that quietly, maybe he's found a new book on his kindle to read. I have downloaded a few new cheap books lately,  99p for a few hours silence is a good price to pay.

I try to keep my eye out for books by good authors that are on special offer.

Neither of us can see well enough to read physical books so we rely on our kindles.

Saturday, 17 August 2024

Old friends.

We had a message today from some boater friends, we are hoping to get together in a few weeks time.

The wife has a soft spot for Steve so that should put him in a good mood.

They are going to do lunch for us on their boat which will be nice, we can take Beano as they have a dog too.

It will be nice to catch up with all their news as they have a new grandchild since we last saw them.

No doubt Steve will tell them in great detail how unhappy he is and how unkind I am, refusing to move into a rented flat.

They may agree with him that it's better to rent than buy, in which case he'll be very happy.I

I've told him repeatedly that he is welcome to rent somewhere to live but although he dislikes me he wants me to move too.

Friday, 16 August 2024

A day of peace

Steve went out as soon as Tesco had delivered, he's gone into town to meet up with Bob. Bob is trying to sell his camper van but he's asking way too much for it and is getting annoyed that it's not selling. Steve will sympathise with him, he also thinks the things he owns are worth more than they actually are.

I've had a peaceful day so far with no shouting or whinging. I shall go over to the summer house later for a natter with my neighbours.

It's sunny here but not too hot, the weather is supposed to get hotter in the next few days. Whenever we have a cooler day Beano gets an extra long walk. He's had two so far today and I'll take him out again between 3 & 4 o'clock and again around 7 ish.

I need to wash my mug and clear the kitchen and that will be all the housework I do today.

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

In a strop.

When Steve first was recovering from his stroke he used to attend a stroke club. He didn't attend for many weeks, he can't bear criticism and when the staff suggested he stop being so nasty to me and shouting at me all the time he stopped going. They tried to explain that it wasn't my fault he'd had a stroke and lashing out verbally was unacceptable.

He can't understand why his behaviour is unacceptable. Seven years later and nothing has changed.

Twice this week he's been nasty and twice I've pulled him up on it. He always reacts the same way, he storms out and goes to the pub to get drunk!

I just need to do this on a daily basis and I could have a peaceful life.

Monday, 12 August 2024

Cool mat.

I've ordered a new cool mat for Beano, the one recommended in the comments on my last post. It's fabric rather than plastic so hopefully Beano will like it.

It was sunny when I got up and walked Beano at 6:30, it seems be clouding over now and he has had his second walk though getting across the road to walk him is quite dicey. There are a lot of large lorries that thunder along this road and it is very bendy so quite difficult to see. I was taking to a neighbour who said a residents group has started to count the lorries as the number is increasing. It's gone from 100 a day to 450 in two years, which is quite a jump.

I'm not sure whether I'll go to the summer house this afternoon, it depends how warm it is. I'm hoping there is a quiz on Wednesday, last week it was held on Thursday morning so I couldn't go.

A new owner has moved into one of the upstairs flats, on-site here there is a cupboard for every four flats. The new owner is kicking off, she is an avid car booter and wants the cupboard for herself. The owners of the other three flats don't agree, it doesn't affect me, I'll get popcorn and watch the proceedings!

Sunday, 11 August 2024

Summery day

I took Beano out for a long walk early this morning, when it was still cool. Then at lunchtime I just took him on to the grass in the shade of the trees.

It's not really that hot, it's not quite up to 30 degrees but Beano doesn't cope well in the heat. I'm ok with it, I spent a lot of time walking the towpaths from lock to lock.

I got to know which paths were shady and if it was too hot with limited shade, Beano would travel on the boat while I walked. He was very nimble when it came to getting across the lock gate. I on the other hand, kept a firm grip on the bars at the top of the gates.

I'm not going to the summer house this afternoon as Beano won't be comfortable in the heat. I shall watch another episode of Whitstable Pearl.

Saturday, 10 August 2024

I'm a bit harassed

I've had a difficult few weeks with Steve and his continuous yelling and shouting.

He's been told before, by me and others, that it isn't acceptable but he insists that he's not shouting!

He been grumbling about money for a while now. The grumbles got louder and more strident until he announced that I needed to contribute more towards the household bills. He suggested I start paying half the food bill.

I suggested I pay for the food and sundries I buy, but I refuse to pay half the shopping bill since its usually around £170 a week. This is mainly for junk food and beer. I buy a fruit and veg box every week which is around £10 depending on what extra fruit I chose.

Next time he starts I shall offer to pay half the electricity as I do use half I'm sure.

Monday, 5 August 2024


Barking or barking mad?

Steve went out with Harry this morning, on their return our mad cat lady spoke to Steve. She demanded he came home and silenced Beano as he'd been barking for two hours.

 Steve, instead of thinking how unusual it was for Beano to bark, immediately agreed to do this and hustled through the front door shouting and ranting.

Beano was asleep on the sofa!

I told Steve to go and explain to the mad cat lady that the noise she could hear was a muntjac in the grounds of the building next door!

She won't have believed him but I'd limited patience left after listening to the muntjac barking for two hours. I couldn't go to see her myself, as I'd have been tempted to rip her head off!

Saturday, 3 August 2024


I know exactly where the money goes.

Steve buys six trays of lager every week and each tray contains 18 cans, these he drinks every week, plus occasional trips to the pub as well.

He eats no vegetables apart from an occasional mushroom, just meat everyday, this is why he spends so much money each week.

He has cornflakes for breakfast 3 times a week, the other days he has a cooked breakfast or a bacon sandwich. Lunch is a ham sandwich with a packet of crisps. His sandwich's are always made with white bread.

Steve's evening meal is, what I'd describe as party food, breaded scampi, chicken wings, stuff like that covered in copious amounts of BBQ sauce.I

This is followed by 4 or 5 packets of crisps throughout the evening.

Friday, 2 August 2024

Justifiable homicide!

How I refrained from murdering Steve y'day i'll never know. He spent the entire day ranting over and over about the same subject.

I tried explaining to him that he needed to stop but he claims that he needs to get things off his chest.

Unfortunately it doesn't work like that, he just gets more and more worked up the more he rants. I get thoroughly exhausted by it.

It's not as though he rants about something that affects him directly, he will find something in the news or online to rant about and off he goes.

I lost my temper eventually and told him to STFU. He then reduced his volume to a mumble. I buried myself in a Harry Potter film for a bit of escapism.

RAMBLER, Steve isn't eligible for pension credit as he has our savings to spend. 

I'm capable of managing on my pension, I even manage to save a little, but I don't smoke and rarely drink. I never go to the hairdressers and I don't shop for pleasure, just for necessities. Steve likes to think he's in charge of our finances and used to insist on paying all the bills. I used to pay for the food shopping but Steve decided to take it over and now spends between £160 and £180 a week. I think this is excessive but it's his choice.

Wednesday, 31 July 2024

It's like living with Alf Garnett

 Ever since the election Steve has been in full on rant mode.

He is driving me mad, yes I know it's annoying that he will lose his winter fuel payment but yelling at me isn't going to help.

I'm horrified by the amount he spends on Tesco every week, especially on beer but if I can save money from my pension then it's his choice to spend all of his and then some.

Steve wants lamb chops for tea, he bought a pack of eight and froze them without splitting them. I managed to split the pack, otherwise he'd ha e eaten all eight. He doesn't eat veg so he eats large portions of meat.

Monday, 29 July 2024

Oodles and Poos

On every dog walk Beano and I meet many dogs, especially Oodles and Poos. 

I have a neighbour who has a Maltipoo and a Cockerpoo. She paid thousands for the pair of them. 

There are numerous similar dogs around, there are many Labradoodles and my personal favourite which the owner tells me it is a Dalmadoodle.

Another neighbour had visitors yesterday, they brought their dog with them. It's a Cavapoo  and boy was it noisy. It barked non-stop from the moment it arrived until it left. My poor neighbour was exhausted.  She was full of apologies when I saw her afterwards. Though what she could do about it I'm not sure.

My daughter visited last week to collect our TV, she brought her dog with her. He almost filled the flat, he is a Boxer/Staffy cross, he's huge but daft as a brush. Beano grumbles at him all the time.

Friday, 26 July 2024

Still here!

Still buggering on.

Steve decided to buy a humongous TV it's a 50 inch, allegedly he bought it so I could watch TV but when his friend Bob did the set up he's done it without subtitles. So although I can watch the TV I can't hear what people are saying so I can't follow what's happening. Nemmind, worse things happen at sea.

The weather is getting warmer for the next few days, Beano will not be happy. He prefers the cooler weather.

I'm trying to improve my diet but mainly failing. I did make some roasted cauliflower and red pepper y'day that was delicious.

Today I'm going to cook some chicken drumsticks on a bed of green beans and cabbage. Steve is going out with one of his brothers so I will cook it then. Steve doesn't like me using the oven, he wants everything cooked in the air fryer.

Saturday, 20 July 2024

Two days!

Two fecking days!

I have a Henry hoover, it's very efficient but it's heavy and as Steve insists that it must be kept on the top shelf of one of our cupboards. It's extremely inconvenient and difficult to lift from the shelf to the floor.

I've been lifting Henry down from the shelf since we moved here. This week I decided  enough was enough and I told Steve he was to lift it down. This he did for two days, he then decided that it was too inconvenient and ordered a new lightweight stick vacuum cleaner!

Friday, 19 July 2024

New clothes.

I bought a new summer dress this year, same style as my other dresses and I threw one dress away as the skirt had developed holes..

Then last week, Betty had a clear out and gifted me two more summer dresses. They are too long as Betty is considerably taller than me.

This morning, once Steve has gone out with Harry to collect his washing I shall get my good scissors out and cut a few inches of the bottom of each dress.

I'm don't think I'll be able to take them up myself but another resident may do them for me. I can but ask.

Thursday, 18 July 2024

A busy week.

It's all go this week, my daughter is collecting me this morning. We will go into town, she wants her face threading and we will probably have lunch.

I've not been out with Betty for a while, she's been busy with her bowls. She has played almost every day for two weeks .

Y'day I went for a stroll with another neighbour, we are not exactly a match made in heaven. She has aphasia, she struggles to find the words, and I'm deaf and going blind. Still we had a pleasant stroll.

Sunday, 14 July 2024

Another funeral.

Another resident has died, she had a stroke, she was 92.

So that's another empty flat that will need to be sold.

There are quite a few now and because they are not being updated they are difficult to sell.

We also have a couple of residents who like to keep their property on the market but expect far too much money.

Our flats are dated, there are many newer and more luxurious flats around.

Our call service is being removed, the argument is that everyone has a mobile phone so if they need assistance they can call a family member.

We only have a visiting manager a couple of times a week.

None of this bothers me, we bought this place as we could afford it and it was convenient. But many of the residents bought here because there was a live in manager and other facilities to help them.

Saturday, 13 July 2024


Beano and I went to join some other residents in the garden this afternoon. I didn't stay long as Steve came to join us. He never joins in anything unless I'm there. I find it a bit inhibiting as I know there will be a post mortem when we return home.

Every comment mulled over and found wanting.

It's tedious.

Saturday, 6 July 2024

I've shrunk.

I've always been short, 4'11 in my youth and I've shrunk as I've aged.

I met up with my oldest grandson on Thursday, he was highly amused when he realised I only came half way up his chest!

I'm also losing my sight along with my hearing. I wear hearing aids but nothing can be done about my eyesight. I had surgery but it failed, in fact it made it worse.

 I'm having to give up my kindle as I can no longer see stuff on it, so I decided to fire up my laptop to see if I can use that.

The problem with the laptop is that it's big and heavy, I can't sit with it on my knee as it soon gets too hot.

I decided to look into buying a small table, one where the legs will go under the sofa. At this point Steve decided to take over the buying decision.

He decided to fit wooden blocks to lift the sofa so the large castors on the table he chose will slide under the sofa. He did this before the table arrived and once it did arrive he realised the blocks supporting the table need to be bigger!

The second blocks have now been made and fitted, the sofa is raised up and the table slides underneath.

Steve's next job is to make a ladder so Beano and I  can access the sofa!

Friday, 5 July 2024

Thats the election done.

My children all vote, I have very strong views on voting and they probably don't feel they have a choice.

As for which party they vote for, that's up to them. I don't feel it is any of my business.

Some of them tell me, some of them don't, I don't mind either way. 

It's the voting that is important, not the who for.

Thursday, 4 July 2024

I've voted

Voting is something I feel strongly about but I sometimes wonder why.

My neighbour on one side insists that Labour will win and everything will improve.

My neighbour the other side claims the Conservatives are doing well and everything will improve soon.

I don't think there will be any improvement whoever wins. The politicians are all only interested in lining their own pockets.

Tuesday, 2 July 2024


Our site has a new owner, the previous company decided they wanted to concentrate on their rental portfolio.

So we are now owned by a company that only deals with owned properties.

There has been much excitement amongst the residents here, many expecting a return to having a full time manager on-site. An on-site cafeteria and laundrette were also hoped for. Some were hoping to have the call system updated. One resident wanted me removed as she feels the flats should be for Christians only. The mad cat lady wants all pet owners apart from herself removed as her cat doesn't like having other pets on-site. Some people are worried that the bills will treble overnight.

Steve is again pushing to move as he believes the costs will soar.

What we have been told so far is that we will share a manager with eight other sites, the manager will visit occasionally but will not live on-site. The call system is being removed completely as most residents have a mobile phones. There will be much muttering on-site as people realise their wishes are of no interest to the new owners.

Sunday, 30 June 2024


I'm still coughing, still knackered and still sleeping on the sofa.

I'm feeling ok though, no temperature so I'm past the worst.

Betty took me out y'day, the traffic was snarled up everywhere, possibly because the M4 eastbound  was shut.

This meant we didn't go far but it was nice to get out. We went to Waitrose as Betty likes their double yolked eggs. Then we had lunch at a nearby pub, it can be a bit iffy in the evenings but is ok at lunchtimes. Betty had steak and saved some for Beano, I had macaroni cheese, it was very tasty.

Next week Betty and I are attending the funeral of the resident that died.

We have seed trays full of plants adorning every flat surface. I've no idea where Steve is going to plant them there is really no room in the garden.

He told me y'day he's going with his friend to watch the BrItish Grand Prix, so that will be a peaceful weekend for me. The cost will have to come out of the savings but it will be worth it for the peace.

I'll pay for it afterwards I'm sure as he'll be in a  bad mood when he returns, I shall just ignore him.

He's just got up and discovered that he purchased the wrong bacon last time he shopped, that's today ruined for him!

Thursday, 27 June 2024

How mortifying

Steve makes no secret of the fact that he thinks I'm old, fat and boring.

This doesn't really bother me, I must have very high self esteem.

I'm 72, overweight but not carrying as much extra weight as he is. I agree that I'm boring but I'm very limited now with what I can do. 

I'm  mainly polite and helpful to my neighbours but I'm limited by my deafness and failing eyesight. I'm a lot more 'on the ball' than some of my neighbours. 

I refrained from punching the neighbour who told me that it was ok for men to drive into their 80's. But that women should stop driving when the reached 60,  as they no longer had the intelligence to drive! He seemed to think that was why I no longer drive.

Steve goes into the garden most days, ostensibly to water his hanging baskets, usually about 2:30.

I sometimes go over to the summer house at 3 o'clock to socialise, this I did y'day.

After about 10 minutes Steve came over to join us. As he walked over one resident commented that he's only managed 10 minutes before joining in.

I didn't realise until I spoke to Betty afterwards that Steve never joins in with the afternoon meetings unless I'm there. It's become a bit of a standing joke with the regulars that he feels the need to mark his territory this way. He always insists on sitting next to me and I'm aware that I'm less chatty when he is there as he is very critical of my conversation.

I was feeling very mortified, partly because of Steve's behaviour and partly because I didn't notice it, but I'm not going to stop joining in because of him. Although the other residents find it amusing they don't seem to feel it is my fault.

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Random ramblings.

We have another hot day here, Beano's water bowl will be kept topped up and his walks will be short and shady.

I have four large insect bites, they are on my foot, knee, chest and face. When I walked Beano just before bedtime our mad cat lady was wandering around wearing socks, trousers, an anorak, two jumpers, gloves, a hat and a headscarf. She said she didn't want to get bitten.

I slept badly last night as I kept coughing, yet again I slept on the sofa.

I heard my Oddbox arrived at 1:30 this morning. It contained carrots, peppers, aubergine, tomatoes, strawberries, cherries, apples a melon. I shall take some of it round to my neighbour later.

I have no plans today though I may give Beano a bath to cool him down. I also need to vacuum through it, I'm hoping Steve will lift Henry off the top shelf of the cupboard for me.

Monday, 24 June 2024

I know.

I know he loves me and I love him.

But it's 27 deg here.

Does Beano really need to sleep pressed up against my leg!

Friday, 21 June 2024

Still coughing

I'm still alive and still coughing I don't feel unwell, but I'm knackered from not sleeping well. I've spent the last two nights on the sofa as I cough more when I lay flat. On the sofa I sleep propped up against the arm. Also Steve is still coughing up a storm.

Today I went into town to get my hearing aids checked, I was supposed to have my ears cleared out earlier this week but despite making three separate appointments I was let down each time.

We have fish and chips this evening, one of the residents is going to collect them for us.

Wednesday, 19 June 2024


 Steve seems to have shared his lurgy with me, he greeted the fact that I snoozed on the sofa for an hour today with great glee.

He feels that if I needed a snooze then he obviously was right to stay in bed for three or four days.

He's back to pottering in the garden, he spotted a strange looking leaf in one of the hanging baskets. I thought it looked like a strawberry leaf. This suggestion was greeted with ridicule, what would a strawberry plant be doing in his hanging basket. He asked another resident for her opinion. It's a strawberry leaf she said, now I'm a genius!

He's still coughing, I suggested he wear a t-shirt in bed as it may help him cough less if he keeps his back warm .  It seems this isn't as an option as real men always sleep naked.

Hey ho, I'm going for lunch with my daughter on Friday, whoopee.

Monday, 17 June 2024


Our lights were sorted within a couple of hours of me speaking to our site manager, fortunately.

Steve now has an upset stomach from taking too many painkillers. But he's been in the garden chatting to the neighbours. He's still convinced I should have phoned an ambulance for him.

It will be interesting to see if Steve starts drinking again today.

I need to clean the inside of my windows, I can't reach the kitchen window but I should be able to climb into the unit in the bay window and clean the ones there. I'll have to move all the trays of plants that Steve has there. I've no idea where he's going to plant them all we have no garden to speak of.

Saturday, 15 June 2024


Steve still feels unwell, he does have a nasty cough but he doesn't have a temperature. He got up for a few hours y'day but was back in bed early. He got up today about 2 o'clock and wanted me to call an ambulance, but not until he'd eaten breakfast. He panics very easily!

It's drizzly and overcast here today, Beano's walks have had to be fitted in between the showers. He's spent most of the day curled up on his blanket on the sofa.

Thursday, 13 June 2024

Lights out again!

Yet again our on-site lights have failed!

I'm up and dressed and about to visit our site manager who is due here today.

Last time this happened our manager was on holiday and the cover manager seemed to think we were all stupid. She refused to arrange for an electrician to  visit as the lights were probably ok!

I've placed my standard lamp in the corridor again as otherwise I cannot see to leave the building.

I've been advised to contact Environmental Health and will be doing so later today. 

Sick as a parrot.

Steve's not well, he thinks he caught what I've had for the past couple of weeks.

I have hayfever which I'm sure isn't contagious. Steve hasn't got a temperature so I think he probably just has a cold.I

He has gone back to bed and drawn the curtains. He went bed at 6 y'day evening and got up at 11:30 so he's been up about an hour. I took him a cup of coffee, I'm not totally heartless.

Ouch, I've got a stiffy

Finger that is, it's my index finger so I look like I'm admonishing someone. It would be worse if it was my middle finger. Steve...