As I walk Beano three or four times a day I spent a lot of time walking the streets.
I only walk in daylight, I'm not afraid of walking after dark as I live in a residential area. I am, however afraid of tripping over in the dark and having an accident.
I often see the same people on my walks, I tend to smile and say hello. I see people with dogs, I see people jogging, some are going shopping. I've also noticed lads on bikes, I tend to shorten Beano's lead if a cyclist approaches as Beano can be snappy if bikes get too near. I've always smiled at people regardless of age or gender.
As I said I've noticed lads on bikes and not thought anything of it. Last week I was walking along an alley and there was a couple, similar age to me, walking in the same direction. We all said hello as we walked along. Suddenly one of the lads appeared on his bike, I smiled and carried on walking. The couple stopped and I assumed they knew the lad. As I turned onto the main road I noticed a bit of furtive fumbling behind me and the couple turned and walked back the way they'd come. I then realised that the lads on bikes are gofers for the local drug dealers. Obviously I was a bit thick not to have realised earlier but it didn't occur to me. I'm a bit naive where drugs are concerned.