Tuesday, 29 October 2024


 I visited one of my daughter's today. 

One of my granddaughters has been selling crochet items at craft fairs, she's made herself some pocket money from her hobby.

I'm delighted as I'm the person who taught her to crochet!

Monday, 28 October 2024

Thieving barstewards!

I received a text message this morning telling me I was eligible for a £900 top up of my state pension. 

I thought this was unlikely so I checked it out.

It's a con, the criminals claim the payment will be paid into your bank account so they need your bank or credit card details.

I receive my pension directly into my bank account so if it was true they wouldn't need my bank details!

Be careful what you share there are thieves out there.

Thursday, 24 October 2024

My Samhain bauble.

It's a large clear bauble containing Mugwort, Hawthorne berries and Rosemary. It's sealed with black wax and hangs from a black velvet ribbon.

I'm now waiting for the cat lady to complain! I'd hate for her to get bored.

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

A change of roast!

After two years of appalling roast dinners and lots of tears Steve finally seems to have accepted that he cannot cook a roast dinner.

I've offered suggestions but have been shouted down as he thinks  I'm only trying to cause trouble!

He has decided to buy Aunt Bessie's this weekend so everything is prepared and all he has to do is sling it in the oven.

We will see how it goes, I'm not bothered about the food but if we could manage a Sunday without temper tantrums and tears, that would be a great improvement.

Tuesday, 22 October 2024


Yellow shoes, this complex is for over 55's only.

Lyssa, I like that saying and it's very true, I cannot understand why people complain about things that don't actually affect them.

I go with "You do you, I'll do me ".

Saturday, 19 October 2024

So far it's crap

It's a bloody joke!

The Housing Company are very good at sending out paperwork that has no relevance. They are also very, very good at getting paid by the residents.

But when it comes to paying the gardeners, cleaners and window cleaners they dont!

Obviously it could be the fault of Housing 21 the previous company and no doubt they will each blame the other.

Friday, 18 October 2024

I don't like Friday's

Tesco delivers on Friday, so Steve gets up by 9 to prepare for the delivery at 11 a.m. 

He paces between the flat and the car park, wittering on and complaining nonstop.

By the time the shopping arrived I'm already exhausted from the constant agitation.

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Happiness hoover.

Yes I know it's plastic tat, as are most Christmas decorations. I won't see any Christmas decorations lit up as I don't walk after dark. I don't get wound up about what other people do. I buy minimal stuff when I shop. Steve buys shed loads of crap.

For me it's a case of  "You do you, I'll do me ".

I get great pleasure in seeing people enjoying themselves whether it includes plastic crap or not.

Some of my neighbours seem to complain about so much, the garden, which should be a pleasure for everybody is frequently a source of complaints and stress.

They complain about the noise of the children from the nearby school, whereas I like to hear the children playing.

Saturday, 12 October 2024


I've been very lax about blogging.

Apart from walking Beano I rarely leave site so I have little to blog about.

Here is a pic I took of a nearby house whist on my morning dog walk.

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

New chair.

Harry next door has ordered a new chair, a recliner. He has trouble getting out of a chair so he's purchased one that will tip him up onto his feet. Whilst I'm sure this will be a great help to Harry I'm not sure where he is going to put it.

These flats aren't big and when Harry lost his mother he brought a lot of her furniture from her flat to his. He already has two three piece suites in his living room along with a table and chairs. Still that's Harry's problem not mine.

Sunday, 6 October 2024

And again!

Steve has sat in silence for most of today, he often does.

Then at 2:30 he decided to start cooking lunch.

He looked at the meat, he's bought a boned breast of lamb, big enough to feed an army.

To his absolute amazement the cooking time is three hours.

He is confident that the meat will be cooked in an hour, it can't possibly take three hours!

He does this most weekends and most weekends ends up in tears as lunch hasn't gone to plan.

I've tried making suggestions but I just get shouted at as I'm far too stupid to understand what's happening.

I made myself a cheese sandwich as I had breakfast at 8a.m.

Yet again the fridge will be full of half cooked meat for the week.

I've prepped some cabbage to go with the lamb, Steve wanted cabbage but doesn't want fresh cabbage only frozen. 

Nemmind, I'll eat the cabbage.

Saturday, 5 October 2024

Shopping when drunk

That's the only explanation I can think off. 

Whilst I was out with Beano a parcel was delivered, it was two Radar keys. These enable you to access disabled toilets. Steve ordered them.

I understand why he wanted one as he goes into town two or three times a week and drinks to excess.

I go once every couple of months when Cass takes me, I've never yet needed the toilet in town, I have always waited until I'm home.

Steve also purchased two flat caps, again, I'm not sure why, he doesn't wear the one he has already.

Friday, 4 October 2024

Peaceful afternoon.

Tesco delivered this morning at about 11:30 Steve was up and pacing from 9 o'clock!

Once the shopping was put away I took Beano out for another walk, by the time I returned Steve has gone into Reading to meet Bob.

I spent a peaceful afternoon reading Past Lying by Val Mcdermid and making a pan of chicken stew. I added lots of vegetables, as I always do.

I think Steve is building up to telling me I need to start cooking again, he's been dropping hints. He's in for a disappointment as I'm not interested in heating up party food in the air fryer for him.

I've been asked if I'd like to join in with the weekly meal get together as it is restarting soon but I've declined, Steve would only ruin it for everyone as he did last year.

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Trip out.

I've been out with Betty, woohoo. We went to Asda where I bought broccoli and a stew pack of veg. We went to their cafe and had fish and chips, £14 for both of us with a cuppa. I thought that was very reasonable. A pensioners portion of fish and chips is £8 from the local chippy.

We also went to Waitrose so Betty could get double yolked eggs and B&M for marshmallows.

Flis, Steve wouldn't accept power of attorney, he's convinced he's ok.

Unknown, I wouldn't feel safe renting a property, not enough security.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Shopping spree

I've treated myself to a pack of socks and two new long sleeved t-shirts. I threw out my existing two t-shirts at the end of last winter. I'd had them both for about eight years. They were misshapen and the cuffs were frayed. 

Even though I no longer live on a boat I still layer up my clothes. I wear a short sleeved t-shirt a long sleeved t-shirt a long sleeved top and a cardigan.

We only have electric to the flat, no gas. We have ancient storage heaters, one in the bedroom and one in the living room. We've never used the one in the bedroom. The bills are extortionate even during the summer months when it's just for the immersion heater, kettle, t.v. and air fryer.

Sod's law.

I keep a blanket on my sofa, I feel the cold more than Steve, so he wears a tee shirt and rather than have the heating up high I snuggle up ...