The Best Boy Ever
Barney was put to sleep today, he was 14 years old and had heart failure.
When DD Helen got divorced she kept the dogs, her ex husband is in the army and couldn't keep them.
Barney loved everybody, he accepted all the foster children that DD has cared for, he offered unconditional love to them all, accepted cuddles and rebuffs with equal equanimity.
He snuck into their beds and pinched any food left unattended.
When Helen had her own babies he loved them too, he tried to be gentle and they soon learned that his wagging tail was to be avoided.
He never snapped, growled or grumbled even when they climbed all over him.
He was fine at the weekend, seemed quiet and off his food on Tuesday and today seem quite unwell.
Helen took him to the vet and after a brief discussion it was decided that the kindest thing would be to put him to sleep, Helen stroked him and talked to him until it was over.
She has taken him home to bury him in the garden and will plant a tree on his grave.
Dogs aren't allowed on the sofa!

Barney was convinced he was a lap dog.
His farts were silent but deadly
Barney looking pointedly at a biscuit one of the children is eating.