Monday, 30 September 2024

There was a time.

I used to make bread, jams, chutneys, elderberry cordial, all sorts of things.

But no more, I don't have the eyesight or the inclination. Though sometimes it grieves me to see the autumn harvest going to waste.

I've been looking at retirement flats in a nearby village, the road outside has become incredibly busy. A recent lorry count showed an increase in lorry traffic. It's up from 100 a day to in excess of 400 a day in just the last year. These aren't small lorries, they are tipper trucks, cement mixers, pantechnicons etc. It's a huge amount of traffic for a relatively small road.

I take my life in my hands every time I cross the road to walk Beano. I don't have a choice, the park is on the other side of the road as is the housing estate I walk him round. But my eyesight is almost gone in my left eye.

Steve was keen to move although he wants to move to rented accommodation I want to buy a property. So I can't see any chance of actually moving, but it's nice to dream.

Sunday, 29 September 2024


Chris, I've read and enjoyed all of Elly Griffiths and Val Mcdermid along with many others.

Steve is currently cooking a slab of beef, he will cook some roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings with it too but no veg, if I want veg I have to cook it myself. I shall have spinach and peas I think.

It's chilly here and windy, Beano's favourite weather so we've been out for three long walks already. No doubt we'll go out for a couple more walks before bedtime.

There is no quiz for the next three Wednesday's our quizmaster is away on holiday. It's a shame as I enjoy a quiz and Wednesday's are often the only time I go over to the summer house. If I go on other days Steve comes to and talks over me, he doesn't attend on quiz days as he doesn't like quizzes.

Saturday, 28 September 2024

Comments and waffle

Thank you for all your comments.

Mean Queen, we saw David from Cruising the Cut a few times when we were on the boat.

Unknown, Steve doesn't walk Beano ever, and hasn't for years. A few weeks ago when we met up with friends who still live on a boat, Steve walked Beano across the car park to their car. This is when Beano was on tiptoe.

The window cleaners have visited today, I must tell Steve as they will be gone before he gets up. I have done some washing and it's on the maiden, by the front door in the sun.

I'm watching Ludwig on t.v. it's amusing, easy watching, not too taxing. I only watch one episode a day as that is all my eyes can take. I also enjoyed Grace and Whitstable Pearl. I don't watch the soaps or any game show.

I'm reading Deadly Games  by Sally Rigby, I read a book in a day or two, again, nothing too taxing. I don't read romances, I prefer murder mysteries, sci fi or fantasy. I have my kindle set to a huge font size  so it is easy to read.

I think I've wittered on long enough now!

Friday, 27 September 2024

Making flapjacks

We have a Macmillan coffee morning here today, I was going to make  brownies but I ran out of enthusiasm, so I made flapjacks instead.

I'm one of only two people who will make cakes of any sort so they will have to do.

It's chilly and windy here this morning so Beano's first walk was more of a sprint than a stroll as he hates getting wet.

We're back home now, Beano has a dog treat and I have a cup of fruit tea.

As it's Friday, Steve is up and pacing, waiting for the shopping to be delivered. It won't be here until around elevenish, but he will pace and panic until it arrives.

We have a Lidl and Aldi at the top of the road so we would not starve if the shopping didn't arrive, but still he panics.

Thursday, 26 September 2024

Beano and Steve.

Beano has had two walks so far today and is currently snoozing on the sofa beside me.

Steve is still in bed, some weeks ago I suggested he joined me for Beano's mid morning walk. Since then he's stayed in bed until midday unless he gets up and goes out before I get back from Beano's first walk.

It's probably a good thing, if Steve walks with me he has Beano on such a short lead the poor dog is on tiptoe. Beano is also not allowed to stop and sniff anything or any other dog!

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Watching canal boat diaries.

It brings back memories of living in a boat and I prefer to watch Robbie Cumming rather than Pru and Tim.

At least with Robbie you can see how hard some of the locks are to handle. You can see the effort he has to put in to opening some of the locks gates and he's a young man. For me as a 70 year old woman it was bloody difficult.

With Pru and Tim they had two crewed boats that travelled with them. This made it all look so easy, obviously it made for good tv ratings.

Today I'm making chocolate brownies ,  there is a Macmillan coffee morning tomorrow in the summer house. The chocolate brownies are my contribution towards it. There is a craft sale on too so I will buy another couple of lavender bags.


Thank you for all your kind comments.

For those who don't now, a conker is a horse chestnut.

Not to be mistaken for edible chestnuts which are delicious after being roasted in a brazier or in the ashes of a fire.

I've offered to collect some for a neighbour who is terrified of spiders.

I treated myself y'day to a salmon poke bowl, it was delicious, today I'm making chicken caesar salad. I get very lax about food so y'day I walked up to Lidl and stocked up with fresh salad stuff.

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Its that time of year.

I love conkers, I always have.

I've no interest in the game whereby you try to smash another conker by bashing it with your own.

I love the colour and how they look when peeping out of their green spiky shells.

There are a couple of large chestnut trees near where I live and I've filled two bowls with conkers.

My neighbours think the conkers are there to repel spiders but they are just there because I like to see them.

Friday, 20 September 2024

Thursday, 5 September 2024

A bump in the road.

As the title says, I have hit a bump in the road, not a physical one, but a bump never the less.

Therefore I will not be posting for a while.

Sod's law.

I keep a blanket on my sofa, I feel the cold more than Steve, so he wears a tee shirt and rather than have the heating up high I snuggle up ...