Friday, 20 September 2024

Just popping in.

 I'm staying with my daughter for a couple of days.


Chris said...

Hope you have a fun get-together!

Jaccs said...

Hope all is well xx

RunNRose said...

Nice to know you are all right! Thanks for that.

Ellen D. said...

Hope everything is all right with you. I'm glad you are with your daughter and hope you are safe and sound.

SueJay said...

Good to hear from you. Enjoy your stay with your daughter.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to know that you are still around and (hopefully) feelign less "bumped". My best wishes to you and to Beano.

50 and counting said...

The old saying "a change is as good as a rest" comes to mind.

Enjoy your time.

Haven't got one. said...

Good for you, for your health and mind.
It is so hard for you and so stressful. You seem a lovely lady, and you have your own sight and hearing problems to cope with as it is. It must be really awful for you at the flat.
I recall your husband had a stroke. I'm not defending his behaviour, but I know people who have had a stroke, and although outwardly they recover, it does change their personality in minor and major ways, this may be the case, but I'm sure you know that. He obviously wasn't like this when you married him.I think men in particular won't seek help but possibly he isn't aware of it. Then again I don't know what can be done medically. I don't know if he drank before but now it could be a way he copes with it.
I so feel for you. Beano looks and sounds adorable.
Sending hugs for you and Beano.

PatsyAnne said...

Oh so happy you dropped in. Is Beano with you at your daughters or is he back home? Well I feel so much better now. I'll sit here and wait until you return to us full time.

sandy said...

Sending a big hug

Heather said...

Good to hear from you. Hope you are enjoying the stay with your daughter.

Anonymous said...

replying to one of the comments i work in disability and one of the ladys is very rude to her husband inhome care apparently she was quite feisty beforehand,stroke, but now its just down right nasty and he is aware of it but he loves her,im getting the feeling that she she gets away with it because he wont stand up for himself and the occasions that i have been there and he does she gets the shock of her life and theres no way i would be putting up with her behaviour but he loves her and told me he would be lonely without her carrie

lindsey said...

You have been on my mind so it was good to read your post. You must be having a difficult time and I’m sending you warm best wishes and a virtual hug.

Tracy said...

Good to hear from you. Enjoy the time with your daughter. x

Carole R said...

Good to hear from you, sending you all good wishes. Enjoy your stay with your daughter.

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

Lovely to hear from you, have a good rest and take care of yourself. Josie

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know. Stay safe. Catriona

Rambler said...

Thank you for popping in; it's good to know you are safe and well. I hope that maybe circumstances can be altered so that you are able to return home soon. In the meantime, enjoy your stay with your daughter and the littlies. Sending very best wishes to you, dear lady. xx

Anonymous said...

Good for you, you needed a break, enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your break, hugs to you and Beano.

Alison said...

Hope you and Beano ok, best wishes

Shenley said...

Hope this gives you the time and space you need.

Anonymous said...

I wish you peace and quiet from the never ending 'Steve Problems'. Give yourself a nice break you definitely deserve it for all you have put up with. Enough is enough! Much love Sandra xx

Sue in Suffolk said...

Good to see this post and to know you are OK.

Damselfly said...

Hope you & Beano are well.

Corinne said...

Good to hear you're ok. Enjoy your time out. Take care xx

flis said...

I've wondered how you were -You must have been exhausted with everything - I hope you are regaining your strength - Love to Beano xx

LouC said...

Good. Do whatever you must to keep yourself safe and well. Good thoughts are coming your way.

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

I hope you have a restful time with your daughter. Thank you for the update. Josie

Sue said...

Good to hear from you, I hope you have a nice stay at your daughters. xx

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you are ok, although I know that is a relative term.

Anonymous said...

It’s so good to hear you areatyour daughters and I hope you andBeano going on ok. Have a good time x

Anonymous said...

It’s so good to hear you areatyour daughters and I hope you andBeano going on ok. Have a good time x

Ouch, I've got a stiffy

Finger that is, it's my index finger so I look like I'm admonishing someone. It would be worse if it was my middle finger. Steve...