Saturday 29 February 2020

A list of the complaints today.

Driving too fast.
Driving to slow.
Being in the wrong lane.
Choosing the wrong route.
Not knowing how to negotiate a roundabout.
Not moving off immediately the lights turned green, possibly because the five cars in front of me hadn't moved.
Not training the dog correctly, I need to shout more, not sure why as Beano is doing as I want.
Not doing the washing up, there was only one plate!
Having pasta for lunch.
Parking too far from the bus stop, it was the nearest space.
Letting the fire go out, it hadn't.

The list goes on and on.

I grit my teeth and keep buggering on!

Friday 28 February 2020

Change of plan

I shan't mention my cough to the Dr as I'm sure I will be told it's caused by my weight or my age.

We were supposed to be going to DD1 this morning but DD2 phoned needing child care so I cleared the table and got out the craft stuff. All the mess makes Steve's teeth itch so he will sit with his back to the mess and read a book.  It only takes a few moments to clear up once Dgd has gone home.

We will go to DD1 on Sunday instead.

It has rained all day here, I'm beginning to think we will never leave the marina.

Thursday 27 February 2020

Smokers cough

Every morning in the winter I wake up and cough.

I cough on and off for about an hour to an hour and a half, the colder it is the more I cough.

I've been doing this for at least the last ten years, probably longer.

I wouldn't mind but I have never ever smoked in my life!

Monday 24 February 2020

ESA meeting

Col, as soon as I saw your comment with contrite in it I just knew it was predictive text that changed it from trite.

Fortunately anything Steve orders comes from Amazon so it can always be returned.

Sally thank you, I'm glad you like the blankets.

Flis no, all the surgery can offer is a quarterly email.

Justjill self referral isn't available here.

Today was Steve's first ESA appointment, it took about 40 minutes. We had filled in a 21 page document and taken it with us. It will be passed to the processing department and they will get back to us in due course.

Steve got stuck in a loop as we arrived, he was stood in the doorway turning round and round shaking out his umbrella. I had to take it off him and pull him through the door eventually.

The meeting was fairly straightforward though the interviewer asked why we hadn't asked for PIP. I explained Steve had tried to apply but had been told to apply for ESA instead. She also asked Steve about returning to work but we explained about his fatigue, dizziness and she had seen him stuck in the doorway shaking his umbrella and I explained how he sometimes gets stuck doing something and cannot seem to move on to the next step.

We did a small shop on the way home mainly eggs, bread, fruit and veg. Aldi had asparagus and sugar snap peas on offer, I also bought carrots, swede, parsnips, mushrooms, bananas, satsumas, mango and pears. These are all for me, Steve won't eat any of that.

Stroke Club tomorrow, Wednesday we are having a step fitted to the back of the boat, Thursday Steve is helping SIL fit a fence panel, Steve will stand and point, Rob will do the work.

Sunday 23 February 2020

A dream

Steve is a salesperson's dream. Someone only has to say "You should buy a ......" . Steve immediately wants to buy one, the upgraded one, in fact he'll buy two and pay extra to get them delivered tomorrow.

Today we received a gizmo Steve ordered, it's to boost the marina WiFi signal, £20, a real bargain. Unfortunately we don't use the marina wifi, we use Three mifi!

Wednesday to Sunday

On Wednesday i had a double appointment at the surgery, first with the Dr and then with the healthcare assistant. I do so enjoy being lectured about my weight by someone who is so fat she can hardly get through the door.

I have been told to take my blood pressure at home and email the readings in.

This brings it's own problems as Steve then wants to take his blood pressure every 10 minutes and gets anxious about the readings.

Thursday morning I reached into a cupboard and something went twang in my shoulder, Thursday afternoon I had an upset stomach, probably caused by the stress of Steve doing a very good impression of Jones the butcher from Dad's Army. He is panicking about both our blood pressure readings.

Someone came out to try to repair my cooker.

Thursday evening I suffered an allergic reaction, this was actually a good thing as I took an antihistamine and had an early night, I slept for eight hours, almost unheard of for me.

Friday  Steve's brother visited, they drove to the pub, I have them a ten minute head start and then walked Beano to meet them, Steve and I walked back.

One cooker problem resolved but there is now another one, Aargh!

Saturday I managed to persuade Steve to go for a walk with the promise of coffee in the cafe at the half way point.

Friday 21 February 2020


We've checked the weather forecast and moved our blacking date to 30th March as a huge sandbank has formed making it impossible for boats to navigate the lock at Woolhampton even if the water levels drop.

There are also an unprecedented amount of trees down blocking parts of the canal.

Despite weather being atrocious Steve insisted we drive to the dry dock to move our blacking date. Why he couldn't just phone I don't know!

Still the roadworks and hold ups were all my fault so it gave him an excuse to rant.

Thursday 20 February 2020

In a world

In a world where you can be anything, be kind. This is all over Facebook and it makes me want to puke!

So many of the people posting it wouldn't know kind if it bit them on the arse!

One person who is wittering on about this is my ex tenant, the one who complained endlessly about wanting a new bathroom suite, who claimed the dishwasher was broken as she wanted a red one. The one who hounded me when Steve had his stroke wanting new curtains and the lawn mowed!! 
She assumed I'd be too stressed worrying about Steve to argue.

I truly hope she meets with all the kindness she dishes out!

Sunday 16 February 2020

Oh the weather outside is frightful.

But the fire is quite delightful.

The river has given up going round the corner of the marina and is now flowing straight across!

Steve has slackened off our ropes and checked the ropes on a few other boats too.

We've lashed shut a top box that had blown open in the wind, hopefully there is nothing missed, we advised the marina manager and he will contact the boat owner.

The wind has dropped so I may be able to watch tv later, if not I shall settle down with tea and tarot.

Saturday 15 February 2020

Alone at last

Only for a couple of hours.

Steve met up with a friend for lunch today, I dropped him off in the town center just before 1 o'clock.

I decided to scrub the kitchen floor when I got home. It has non-slip tiles, great for safety but a bugger to clean. A wipe with a wet mop take the worst off but it needs more. It is now a couple is shades lighter. The joy of scrubbing the floor when Steve was out was that he wasn't at my shoulder telling me I was doing it wrong.

My treat for all my hard work was getting out my tarot cards and practicing some readings.

By the time Steve rang for me to collect him the rain was heavy and wind was wild, I was glad to get back home.

Friday 14 February 2020

A Valentine treat

My lovely son in law, who is a chef has made a heart shaped beef welly, dauphinoise potatoes, roasted root veg and braised red cabbage. All prepped and ready for me to cook tonight.

Thursday 13 February 2020


After much persuasion Steve agreed to walk along the towpath to the Butt Inn ( so named for the archery butts that were nearby ). 

Usually he will only walk one way, he likes to sit in the pub whilst I walk back to get the car and then collect him.

It took us 50 minutes to walk there, we stopped for about an hour and enjoyed a coffee and a sandwich, they do a nice selection of sandwiches and a choice of a baguette which Steve always chooses or rustic sliced bread, which I always choose. Steve has either steak or bacon. I usually have prawns in a Marie Rose sauce.

We had one minor hiccup when we were crossing the road to reach the towpath, Steve decided the traffic was traveling too fast and stood in the middle of the road waving his arms. I expect the drivers though he was drunk but whatever they thought, enough cars stopped to enable me to get him and Beano across the road in one piece.

After we'd eaten we walked home, it was a bit much and Steve was tired by the time we got back, but having managed it once I expect he'll do it again.

He has big plans for how far he wants to travel over the summer so he needs to prove he is capable.

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Busy doing nothing

I can't just sit and watch tv I have to keep my hands busy. Below are pics of some of the things I have made over the past five years.

Monday 10 February 2020


We are forecast sunshine and showers this morning, heavy rain this afternoon and the wind has dropped to 40mph gusts.

Beano has had along walk already after being cooped up all day yesterday, his choice, not mine. I'm happy to put my welly's on and go out, Beano refuses.

I've fished a few bits and pieces out of the water as we walked, matting, gangplanks, pot plants etc.

There are some trees down locally but I expect they will be cleaned soon.

DS had a busy shift as a firefighter.

Sunday 9 February 2020


Saraband and Jean asked a couple of questions about the blankets I make with regards to the size and what I do with them.

I thought I'd answer their questions here as well as by replying in comments in case anyone else was curious.

The granny blankets I make are about 30 inches square.

The rectangular blankets are approximately 36 inches by 24  inches.

There are two reasons why the blankets are these sizes, firstly I get bored if I make a really large blanket, secondly the yarn I use is all odd balls so I don't have enough of the same colour to make a larger blanket. In the blanket below the light blue stripes have been worked using three different oddments of yarn. But as my nana used to say "nobody's going to stop a galloping horse to check it out".

As for what I do with the blankets, absolutely nothing, they get folded up an put on a shelf in a cupboard. I crochet purely to stop me punching Steve in the head. The end result is not important!

Stormy weather

The wind is so strong even our boat is rocking and widebeams don't rock as much as narrowboats.

If there is a power cut we won't be affected as we run on a 12 volt system, if our batteries get too low we can run the engine to boost them back up again.

As we are in the marina we plug into shore power if we want to run the immersion heater or do a hot cycle in the washing machine.

I can't watch live tv as I've lowered the sky dish to prevent it getting damaged but I have lots of prerecorded programs and a few DVDs if I want to watch anything.

Steve has laid the solar panels flat to the roof too to prevent them getting damaged.

Beano doesn't want to go for a walk, even though it isn't raining hard it is incredibly noisy with the wind and he is scared.

Saturday 8 February 2020

Cooking today.

Cooking used to be a huge part of my life

Nothing fancy, just plain cooking. An evening meal cooked from scratch every day, home made bread, biscuits for lunch boxes. Cakes for bake sales,  coconut ice and apples dipped in chocolate and colourful sprinkles at summer fair's. Cheese straws for snacks. Everything cooked with an eye to the cost. I cooked for 8 to 10 people most days as I had lodgers, foreign students staying, my nephews when they needed somewhere to stay, my kids bought friends home sometimes just for a meal, some of them stayed for months.

I miss it sometimes, I still enjoy cooking but Steve prefers a takeaway or something from a tin or packet.

This week he has chosen his own food, lunch has been a Gingsters chicken slice or a packet soup. Evening meals have been ribs or flavoured chicken pieces, nary a vegetable to be seen.

I did cook steak and jacket potatoes one evening. I put the potatoes in to cook and Steve wanted to know why I wasn't cooking the steak at the same time. I know he likes his steak well done but that was ridiculous.

Today he was supposed to be going out but it has been postponed, I'd already made my plans, I made
lemon thumb biscuits, chicken and leek tray bake,
fish pie and roasted vegetables.

I enjoyed the cooking, some of the stuff will go in the freezer, some will go to DD for her freezer.

Friday 7 February 2020

On the mend

I'm feeling a bit better, still a bit nauseous but generally better.

I took Beano for a seven mile walk with a neighbour, I've done the shopping and put it away and had my car resuscitated after it threw a hissy fit.

The fridge is full of fruit and veg, I bought an extra bottle of milk and a fresh loaf, if storm Ciara causes any problems we should be ok. By problems I'm thinking trees down etc, not snow drifts or anything serious.

It's now time for a bit of gently crochet in front of the tv. It will have to be very gentle too as my shoulders are painful. I couldn't work out why until I remembered playing tug with the other dog on the walk.

Wednesday 5 February 2020


I have been poleaxed by an attack of diverticulitis, I'll be back soon.

Monday 3 February 2020


One of the benefits of having repairs done to the cooker and grill means I can now make proper toast.

It's a simple pleasure but one I really appreciate.

For the past year toast has meant a long wait whilst the bread under the grill dries out before it assumes any colour.

We now have toast where the bread is brown and the bread is still squishy inside, bliss.

Sunday 2 February 2020


The plan for the next blanket was blue and white stripes, to use up some stash.

Only most of the blues were greeny blues, so I've added lilac and purple too.


Saturday 1 February 2020

And there it was

I drove Steve to Newbury this morning, an eventful journey as Steve kept telling me to get into the wrong lane, he also tried to get me to drive along a road that isn't there anymore.

I parked up and Steve went to a meeting that he'd arranged to attend. Beano and I went for a nice walk, just over a hour along the towpath.

We arrived home just in time to grab a quick lunch and then I rushed off to help at the jumble sale. As I was leaving Steve asked me to look out for a coffee pot. I arrived at the jumble sale and there was one on the table. I bought it along with a pretty black scarf with hearts on. At the end of the sale there was a single brown glove left, I grabbed it before it was binned as I lost one of my black gloves yesterday and it will do as a replacement.

So far it's crap

It's a bloody joke! The Housing Company are very good at sending out paperwork that has no relevance. They are also very, very good at g...