Sunday, 9 February 2020


Saraband and Jean asked a couple of questions about the blankets I make with regards to the size and what I do with them.

I thought I'd answer their questions here as well as by replying in comments in case anyone else was curious.

The granny blankets I make are about 30 inches square.

The rectangular blankets are approximately 36 inches by 24  inches.

There are two reasons why the blankets are these sizes, firstly I get bored if I make a really large blanket, secondly the yarn I use is all odd balls so I don't have enough of the same colour to make a larger blanket. In the blanket below the light blue stripes have been worked using three different oddments of yarn. But as my nana used to say "nobody's going to stop a galloping horse to check it out".

As for what I do with the blankets, absolutely nothing, they get folded up an put on a shelf in a cupboard. I crochet purely to stop me punching Steve in the head. The end result is not important!


Jessica Hollinghurst said...

I make blankets to help with the arthritis in my hands and have found that our local care home is glad to take them as they are a good size to tuck round someone in a chair without tripping them up. Jessica

kelley said...

great alternative to head smacking...though I'm sure some days...

Mrs G said...

I'd second the comment about care homes- my Nan was living in one and they welcomed crochet lap blankets for residents - they were also comforting for the residents. And odd bright colours are also great for them :)

Hard up Hester said...

My local care home won't take anything unless it can be boil washed.

Catsngrams said...

I love your blankets. I also understand your reason for crocheting. I can relate so well.

Ruth said... talks about dementia and alzheimer's, just found it today. If this is part of your life now, perhaps you would like to check out her blog. She also has published a book about her life inside dementia.

What a lovely day.

I went for breakfast with my son and daughter, I had a croissant with Brie and Bacon and had a lovely time, Beano came with me and sat under...