Monday, 3 February 2020


One of the benefits of having repairs done to the cooker and grill means I can now make proper toast.

It's a simple pleasure but one I really appreciate.

For the past year toast has meant a long wait whilst the bread under the grill dries out before it assumes any colour.

We now have toast where the bread is brown and the bread is still squishy inside, bliss.


Poppypatchwork said...

I can happily not eat bread for days, but smell toast and I want one, and cheese on toast, I love.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Downside - toast needs oodles of butter and tempts me to eat too much.

Col said...

Oooh, toast with lashings of really salty best butter, nectar of the Gods!

flis said...

My uncle when he was poorly said he missed toast the most.When I was in hospital with appendicitis there was a very ill lady opposite who really brightened up when we had toast and butter"please can it be hot" she said and happily it was x

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I would live on toast given the choice. It's so versatile. Small pleasures.

Chris said...

I will toast you with a dram of the good stuff to celebrate your tasty toast.

What a lovely day.

I went for breakfast with my son and daughter, I had a croissant with Brie and Bacon and had a lovely time, Beano came with me and sat under...