Sunday 30 January 2022

If it's Sunday it will be a roast.

Sunday wouldn't be Sunday without a roast dinner, it's also the  one day of the week when I can get some vegetables into Steve.

I had a rummage in the fridge and freezer to see if I could do a roast dinner without using a joint.

I found a couple of slices of chicken from a meal earlier in the week, and a chunk of ham left from a gammon joint. If I told Steve what I was doing he'd complain about the lack of meat, so I shan't tell him.

By the time I've added stuffing, pease pudding Yorkshire pudding and lots of veg he will have a full plate and a full tummy.

Saturday 29 January 2022

New spell

Thank you for your comments.

I'm sure the event was character building. 

I wondered in hindsight if mum was hoping to foster as I was an only child, we certainly had a lot of contact with the children's home for a while.  Allegedly she wanted more children but was advised against. I would have liked a sibling but I don't think my mother would have coped.

Despite having trained as a nursery nurse and then a teacher I don't think she was keen on children, or maybe I'd just didn't live up  to her expectations, who knows.

I'm working on a new spell for someone who is returning to dry land.

There are so many aspects to be considered.

Actually I've given up on the spell until tomorrow morning as Steve has someone screaming repeatedly on YouTube. I will carry on collating the information but the spell casting can wait.

Wednesday 26 January 2022

Childhood memories.

Thank you Jan, Fliss I have a 25 year old cotton night dress, nothing warm. Chicken mum a sleeping bag sounds like a good idea.

I suddenly remembered earlier today, a birthday party I'd had. I'm not sure how old I was, around 5 or 6 I think. My mother decided to invite children from the local children's home, maybe I had no friends of my own, I'm not sure. I had nightmares about the party for years afterwards. I remember the table being laid with the best bone china tea service that had been  a wedding gift to my parents. I was an undersized child and timid, obviously the children from the home were neither. Food was thrown around, plates were smashed, one cup had a neat mouth shape bitten out of it. I was terrorised by the noisy children, pinched, scratched and had my hair pulled. We couldn't play out, my birthday is in November so we remained crammed in the living room, apart from escorted trips to the outside toilet, until the children were collected.

I may have had other parties but I have no recollection.

I have no idea what my mother was thinking of.

Monday 24 January 2022

Warm at last

 Ellen, we are due snow at some point but I'm not sure when.

Thank you Chloe's Nan, I keep adding bits to  it when I find something interesting, I keep all my spell making items in a cupboard in the bathroom.

Lynda, I'm old-school, today I've added an egg cup of bleach, sometimes I add washing soda but not both together.

Lyssa, yes they do and boiling the tea towels will use less power than a hot wash which seems to take hours.

It's been grey and raw here all day, even Beano only wanted short walks before returning to the boat. I slept badly last night because I was cold, the duvet had made a spirits attempt to cling to the floor so my only covering was a cotton sheet, eventually I put my dressing gown on and warmed up. Maybe I need a onesie but at my age I might not be able to get out of  it  in time when I need the toilet.

We had lamb on Sunday, it was much bigger piece than we ordered but it was price matched. It was a half leg so I boned it to make it easier to carve. It made Sunday's dinner, sandwiches for lunch today and tomorrow and I made a casserole for tea tonight. I had no onions so used dried, the last very sad carrot, some spinach and a couple of potatoes, it was tasty and filling.

I have half a punnet of aged mushrooms in the fridge, I shall slice them, soften them and serve them in warmed cream cheese tomorrow with whatever I can find in the freezer, probably a chicken breast.


 I'm not going to bore everyone with constant mileage counts from my walks, now I've worked out the distances I shall just make sure I do between 5 and 10 km a day.

Back to the exciting things, today I'm getting my biggest casserole dish out today and boiling  my teatowels, I shall also do a washing load.

It's grey, overcast and cold today, I've boosted the stove but not turned the heating on yet, Steve may decide to put it on when he gets up.

We were due an engine service today but it's been moved until the first week in February, as long as it's done before March it will be ok.

Saturday 22 January 2022

We are not tidy people.

 Ang, on her blog Tracing Rainbows has posted about her collection of Willow Tree figurines. They are so pretty.

I  don't have any shelves on the boat apart from the four around the TV, this is what Steve keeps on two of them.

The only other flat surface is the top of the storage units that fit under the gunwhales, this is where Steve keeps stuff he feels is important.

 He also has piles of clutter on the breakfast bar.

I have my last few books on my side and a very small terrarium.

This is my altar it is on the surface on the other side. I have
 another item currently waiting to be collected from my daughter's I'll post a pic when I collect it.

From the left, a goblet, a led candle, a Scorpio stone, a bag of crystals, a Green Man, and of hag stones that I've collected, a piece of wood, another candle and a threaded needle

Friday 21 January 2022


Still in the minus here and this is what Beano did when we got in from our first walk. I've no idea how far we walked as I forgot to take my phone.

Bbarna, Lyssa unfortunately vinegar doesn't touch the scale in this area.

Ang and Pollie, I'll try your suggestions.

Kate, I've not tried Linda McCartney sausage rolls, I'm not a fan of sausage rolls, I do like a good quality pasty occasionally.

DD2 took me shopping  today, she shops at Sainsbury's, Steve has set up our deliveries with Tesco. I was able to stock up on lager which Tesco haven't had in stock for 2 weeks. I also bought garlic sausage and lard neither of which the local Tesco stocks. I prefer lard for roast potatoes and for making Melting Moments.

I've decided I'm bored with my winter tops, I've been wearing them since before I retired. So I'm going to put them away in the wardrobe for a couple of years and ring the changes.

Steve spent the morning in a bad mood he didn't want to wear his hearing aids so he moaned and bitched because he couldn't hear what I was saying!

Thursday 20 January 2022


The tap is not really clean there is still a lot of scale on it. I can't get a toothbrush or bottle brush in the gap. Unfortunately the net from Lakeland is out of stock Col but I will keep a look out for one. 

I like vegetables and have a small repertoire of vegetarian dishes but I'd never eat the fake meat dishes, fake bacon or fake sausage. I think it's too akin to the crap Steve eats.

Minus 5 this morning, I put the heating on and got back into bed until the boat warmed up.  Parts of the marina were frozen today the ice wasn't thick but it was enough to confuse the swans.

Beano and I managed 9.37 km today. We started off in one direction but the sheep all came running to the fence hoping for food so Beano changed direction and we walked beside an empty field instead.

I struggled to stay warm during the day because Beano needs to go out, so no sooner am I warm that I'm back out in the cold again.

Wednesday 19 January 2022


Is anyone trying Veganuary?

I'm not, it sounds to me like I'm being asked to eat a vagina!

Yesterday was very cold, the heating was on twice for an hour each time. Steve came on one of the walks with Beano and managed 5k.

We had liver and bacon for tea, it was made last week and frozen.

Today we had a food shop delivered, there were a few things missing so I've asked DD2 to take me on Friday, I'll stock up on a few items that Tesco don't stock whilst I'm there.

Lyssa, Beano says thank you for the scritches.

JanF, fortunately we get very few.

Deborah, maddening isn't it.

This morning I decided to clean the bath room, I'm usually very careful about which cleaning products I buy but limescale is a huge problem here so I bought some strong descaler as it's a problem on the boat.

This is the third time I've tried to use it, it's the sort you spray on and leave. On the previous occasions I've used it Steve has noticed, rushed in and insisted on scrubbing it off and then  claims it's useless. This time he was distracted so I was able to leave it for the required 5 mins, spray again and leave it again and when I sprayed it off the scale had gone. This scale problem is made worse by the type of tap we have, it's very fiddly to clean and I can't get a scrubby between the mirror and the tap.

Monday 17 January 2022


Rambler, he drives me round the bend too.

Jaccs, Steve doesn't get up any speed carving the joint, it's done very slowly.

Margaret I have a few rude teeshirts but the font on them is so ornate on them very few people realise what they say.

I read a comment on FB from someone celebrating her 20th wedding anniversary, she said " I have loved my husband for more than 20 years and there isn't a single day  of those 20 years that I haven't wanted to brain him and bury him under the patio.

I understand what she means. Every morning when Steve finally gets up, he walks into the living room and my heart lifts at the sight of him. I smile and say good morning,  he walks to the  clothes airer and starts to rearrange the washing I've just hung up. I immediately want to push him overboard!

I'm sure some people have perfect relationships with never a cross word. I don't!

it was a very frosty morning today, I put the heating on for an hour first thing then after walking Beano we took the boat across to a pump out, we emptied the rubbish and recycling and purchased 2 bags of coal, they will last us a week probably.

I paid our boat licence after lunch, it should be paid by automatic renewal but I've made alterations to it so I had to cancel it a and start again. Not long after the payment had gone through I received a phone call. It was a recorded message saying " This is the internet fraud department from your bank, your recent payment of £600 to Western Union has been stopped. Press 1 to speak to an advisor about this"

Needless to say I didn't press anything, I hung up.

I was told this morning that one of the nearby boaters died recently, he'd been unwell for the five years we've known him. I'm not sure what was wrong with him but I do know that the medication he was on was making him almost as unwell as his illness.


Sunday 16 January 2022


 We aren't really sure what he is, a few people have suggested a Parsons JR but his legs are really short, he has twisted feet that look like Queen Ann Legs. I've also been told he's a good specimen of an old style JR. What ever he is he's well loved and very spoilt.

Today I've walked 8.87k over two walks with Beano so I need to do more, Steve only walked some of that as he didn't get up until 11 so only came on the 2nd walk. He complains he doesn't sleep well, I'm sure more fresh air and exercise would benefit him.

I've ordered some tee shirts, one says My crystal ball is telling me you are full of sh1t.

Roast beef with all the trimmings to eat today, Beano will get his share. He gets boiled potatoes, carrots and beef.  Steve wanted to carve the beef, this is fine but he always wants the entire kitchen emptied before he starts. He's like Sky Stallone getting ready for the battle in Rambo, removing his jumper and swathing himself in umpteen teatowels before he wields the carving knife.

Friday 14 January 2022


Beano likes to sit on the back of the sofa with his head on my shoulder.

 DD2 collected me and took me back to hers for a cuppa this afternoon. I took over another bag of craft stuff, my granddaughters were delighted with it all.

I've been struggling to walk after I fell out of bed but I think my toe is finally on the mend, I managed a three miles walk with Beano today.

I was accosted on the walk by a lady with a dog, I didn't recognise her but she was obviously pleased to see me.  She thanked me for telling her how to cook on a wood burning stove, she said I'd saved her a fortune in gas. I did work out who she was eventually!

I posted a parcel on Tuesday afternoon and on Wednesday morning I received confirmation that it had arrived, very speedy service.

Wednesday 12 January 2022

A bit of a day.

Chris as Jacquie says barley makes nice risotto, I tend to chuck it in with rice or any soup or casserole in making.

Jaccs I'm sure Beano definitely would not approve of wellies!

Wendy I do do try but Beano is not keen on having his photo taken and tends to turn his back on me.

I fell out of bed at about 1a.m. to be more accurate I was shoved out of bed. I'm mentioning no names but looking pointedly in Beano's direction! Somehow I managed to strain my big toe, I got back into bed but couldn't get to sleep as my toe was too painful. I took paracetamol and watched tv until the pain subsided and I dropped off. I needed to watch something boring and undemanding so settled on Couples Therapy. I don't know how effective the therapy was but the poor bloody therapist seemed to have aged 10 years in three months.

I awoke for the second time about 9 ish, my toe was sore but bearable so I dressed and walked Beano. When I got home I cooked a meal for Steve and then went to the post office.

I find any outing quite difficult now, lack of practice I assume, I'm happy enough to walk the 20 minutes to the bus stop and to catch the bus and when I got off I made straight for the post office. It was when I came out I had problems, I was struggling with my balance so I stood against a wall until I was steady. I don't feel scared, just wobbly and bloody cross because I'm wobbly. I'm sure people think I'm drunk when I stagger around.

DD1 messaged me to tell me that another of her children has tested positive for covid. The school and social services are giving her contradictory instructions on what she should do.

DD2 messaged me to tell me that she had finally received her deposit back from the house she rented whilst her new build was being completed. It's taken forever as the landlady argued about everything and wanted to keep the entire deposit.

Tuesday 11 January 2022


 I often add barley to soup, Chris.

Debby I won't have candles on the boat, I'm such a clutz I'd  knock them over.

Marty I will buy a hot water bottle, I've just not got round to it yet.

I'm still continuing my decluttering, I emptied one of the huge underbed drawers yesterday and another bag of fabric left the boat.

Steve set his alarm to get up at 9:30 only to get a phone call to say that the delivery was delayed and wouldn't arrive until just after 12. It didn't matter, it's not like we had anything else to do but Steve would have stayed in bed if he'd known.

I took half a cucumber and two tomatoes round to my neighbour, she gave me a packet of biscuits she was given, I'll pass them on to one of my daughters. This afternoon my neighbour and I walked to the nearest lock. I think Beano would rather have stayed home as it was raining!

Monday 10 January 2022


Lyssa I find meal planning extremely boring now I'm cooking for Steve he's fussy almost to the point  of obsession. But I've been cooking since I lived alone in a bedsit  at 16 so it's second nature.

I always cook from scratch and I don't like junk food, Steve loves junk food so he treats himself if he goes into town for anything.

Jaccs, I'm not vegetarian but I do eat a lot of vegetables whereas Steve won't. My diet is old-fashioned and basic, stuff that I'd call food, food from nature. Steve prefers food products, stuff that is highly processed and comes from a lab or factory.

I do have a freezer but it's small, when I lived in a house I kept milk and bread in the fridge so I didn't run out. I can't do this now and as it's 3 mile walk to the shop I try very hard not to run out.

Ellen life on a boat is difficult when it's wet because of the mud everywhere but I prefer it to being surrounded by concrete.

Cathy socks and gloves yes, in fact I wear two pairs of gloves, one ordinary and one fingerless but I can't wear hats often I have a lot of very thick hair which gets sweaty.

Sunday 9 January 2022

Next weeks meal plan

 Today we had roast turkey, I defrosted half a ham joint to go with it. So lunches next week will be turkey or ham sandwiches or HM soup for me.

I'm also making:-

Hunters chicken with chips.

Burgers on Tuesday as that's the day the shopping is arriving with fresh rolls.

Smoked haddock.

Beef casserole  LO from last week.

Chicken wings and ribs.

Dirty rice.

Next week's roast is beef.

I don't eat chips or burgers or the ribs and chicken wings. I shall eat salad or home made soup and maybe a jacket potato.

I've filled another bag of craft stuff for the grandchildren but there's still a lot to do.

I got very little done today, I slept badly for the last two nights and I'm tired, I can't get warm enough to sleep and I'm too tired to get warm, an early night tonight I hope.

Saturday 8 January 2022


 Lyssa I will try peppermint oil on the back of the boat.

Beano is very reluctant to let me near his feet, I may try a microfiber towel next.

I see a lot of bloggers are  posting about cutting back on their food bills.

Obviously not having a car has saved us some money but it also means I can't shop around and hunt for bargains but I still try to be careful.

Last weeks meal plan was as follows-:

Sunday, roast pork, I cut the joint in half, froze half and sliced the rest thinly. The half I didn't freeze served Sunday lunch with yorkies, stuffing and roast pots, parsnip, sprouts and peas. It also made sandwiches for lunch for 3 days. Cheese or egg sandwiches on the other days. I can't eat pork so I had the roast without it.

Monday, Lamb chops one tiny one each with a sausage, boiled spuds with carrots, sprouts and peas.

Tuesday, Fish pie with carrots and peas

Wednesday, Burgers inna bun with salad because the shopping was delivered and the buns were fresh. I don't eat burgers so I had salad in a bun.

Thursday, Beef casserole, I added lots of extras and froze half.

Friday, Chicken pieces. I went to DD2 for a cuppa so didn't eat these.

Saturday, Liver and onions with mash, sprouts and carrots. There will be enough for two meals so I will freeze half.

Sunday, I have a small turkey breast that I will cook for a roast dinner.

Very plain food but it's what Steve will eat.

I shall put a loaf on to prove tonight, I've been using up two part baked baguettes that Steve wouldn't eat because they were sourdough.

The next food delivery will be on Tuesday, I still have carrots, onions, cucumber, salad leaves and sprouts in the fridge.

Wednesday 5 January 2022

Webbed feet

 I was very excited this morning as it wasn't raining when I got up but it's due to rain again tomorrow. Beano has sore feet as they are constantly wet, I've tried balm but he licks it off and I've tried doggie shoes and he tears them off. There is nowhere dry to walk him and he will soon have webbed feet I'm sure.

The marina is still struggling with rats, over the weekend many people visited their boats and left food around which made the situation worse.

The stove was sluggish yesterday, it went out overnight and it's always difficult re-light. It picked up eventually and I cooked a beef casserole on the top. It was a huge casserole, we ate half yesterday and froze half for another  day.

Today I did another wash load, little and often as it's difficult to get stuff dry.

Weaver asked on her blog whether people consider themselves a town dweller or country dweller. I was born just outside a small Lincolnshire town, I moved from there to London and then to Bristol. After that I moved to the outskirts of a small town. Despite this I consider myself a country dweller for preference.

Saturday 1 January 2022


I was horrified and sickened to read this morning the Tony Blair has received a knighthood.

So far it's crap

It's a bloody joke! The Housing Company are very good at sending out paperwork that has no relevance. They are also very, very good at g...