Wednesday 19 January 2022


Is anyone trying Veganuary?

I'm not, it sounds to me like I'm being asked to eat a vagina!

Yesterday was very cold, the heating was on twice for an hour each time. Steve came on one of the walks with Beano and managed 5k.

We had liver and bacon for tea, it was made last week and frozen.

Today we had a food shop delivered, there were a few things missing so I've asked DD2 to take me on Friday, I'll stock up on a few items that Tesco don't stock whilst I'm there.

Lyssa, Beano says thank you for the scritches.

JanF, fortunately we get very few.

Deborah, maddening isn't it.

This morning I decided to clean the bath room, I'm usually very careful about which cleaning products I buy but limescale is a huge problem here so I bought some strong descaler as it's a problem on the boat.

This is the third time I've tried to use it, it's the sort you spray on and leave. On the previous occasions I've used it Steve has noticed, rushed in and insisted on scrubbing it off and then  claims it's useless. This time he was distracted so I was able to leave it for the required 5 mins, spray again and leave it again and when I sprayed it off the scale had gone. This scale problem is made worse by the type of tap we have, it's very fiddly to clean and I can't get a scrubby between the mirror and the tap.


My Piece of Earth said...

I use a small sponge for those tight places, works well for me, however, if you need to scrub it might be difficult.
Great job with the 5km walk.

Ellen D. said...

You could do a TV commercial with that shining faucet! Well done!

Lyssa Medana said...

That tap looks immaculate. I'm glad Steve got to have a walk. I'm sure that it will do you all good.

flis said...

I'm sure you have tried a toothbrush,bicarb or lemon juice(I find it helps me a bit)x

Col said...

My old bath taps were very close to the tiled wall, and impossible to clean behind.
I finally found the answer, it's called the Wash Up Wiz Net Scourer and is available from Lakeland. It's basically just a mesh cloth, but is seriously brilliant at scrubbing dishes, pots, baking trays and pans without scratching, and can be dragged back and forth around the back of the taps.
Obviously I have two of them, I wouldn't use the same 'anything' in the kitchen as in the bathroom.
I can't recommend it highly enough!

Marlane said...

Hubby and I have been Keto for the last two years. It is a way of eating high in fat and protein. The opposite of going meat less or animal less. We are the healthiest we have ever been.

Chris said...

I don't know about veganuary but I did want to have a "dry" January. So far I have almost drunk all the booze from the holidays but I think it will be February before I actually go "dry"!

Jaccs said...

Wow that sink scrubs up well✨You made me laugh about eating a vagina when talking about vegenaury, but then that would be classed as meat lol,I’m on this Keto diet and eat nothing but meat😬

Margie from Toronto said...

I don't mind the very occasional vegan dish if made from scratch but mostly I find it to be either tasteless - or tastes of curry or tomato and that's it. And I really don't see the point of buying more processed foods that "look like" bacon or sausage etc. And any "diet" that requires so many supplements - like B12 - well, I don't really see the point....

Happiness hoover.

Yes I know it's plastic tat, as are most Christmas decorations. I won't see any Christmas decorations lit up as I don't walk aft...