Despite being short and fat I was not bullied at school. I perfected looking slightly vague and disinterested and so the bullies tended to leave me alone.
I had an employee who admitted to being a bully at school and when I told her I'd not been bullied she told me why. She said she would only pick on people who she knew would cry. She would never have picked on me in case I hit her back and she'd lose face.
I only suffered from bullying once, I had a line manager who didn't like me and as she had the support of her boss she did her best to make my life hell.
I'm not the sort to cry, I'm more likely too lose my temper and thwack someone. I didn't lash out but I did leave. I also made it quite plain why I was leaving which made my line manager very unpopular.
Bullying isn't limited to children, we have a resident here who is a bully. I've had a few run ins with her and always refused to engage. Unfortunately this means she has now started to pick on someone else and is causing a lot of problems. She asked me how I stopped the bully. Unfortunately she is far too polite to tell the bully to feck off. I don't want to get involved but I will suggest she speaks to the court manager, I will also speak to the court manager about my experience.