Saturday 9 September 2023

All booked.

Our plumber has just visited us, he's ready to do the next stage of the bathroom refit.

We had the shower fitted some time ago and now we are having a new basin and toilet fitted.

I was a bit concerned as Steve wanted a toilet that wasn't floor standing. I didnt think this was a good idea as Steve is huge and I was worried that it wouldn't take Steve's weight. After a discussion with the plumber an alternative toilet has been chosen.

I shall be relieved when it's done as there is a lot of damp in the bathroom from leaking pipes.

I was thinking of buying a set of bathroom scales but I doubt if Steve would use them. From the way he criticises my weight I don't think he realises  just how heavy he is. Every time he shops for clothes, which is every year,  he has gone up a size.

I'm still wearing the same tops I wore when I was working   though I have bought some new leggings ready for winter. They are still the same size and I've had the same four summer dresses for some time now.


Ellen D. said...

I wouldn't pay attention to what Steve says. Just do your own thing and enjoy life as much as you can.

Nelliegrace said...

It does sound as if all of your husband’s criticisms are addressed to himself. Just talking out loud.
What a relief!

Well done for keeping the same dress size. That is amazing, so many of us gain wait with stress.

flis said...

I hope you don't mind me saying but I don't think he is making any sense at all - He sounds very much like mine since his retirement - though no stroke as far as I'm aware but several funny turns where he has been quite distant and weird and flickering eyes - Whatever mine says - most times it's back to front - I try to just ignore - Mostly x

Col said...

When our bathroom was redesigned, we had a 'comfort height' toilet fitted, and it makes a world of difference to us.
With husband's bad knees and my bad back, getting up and down using a conventional height toilet was very difficult, but this one is fine for his knees and my back!
If you haven't already ordered your new 'loo', have a look at the comfort height ones available, they're definitely better for older bodies.
I know you're not very tall, but our grandson, who is a lot smaller than you, has no problem at all with the height of ours, although I'm not sure whether his feet touch the ground when he's seated! X

Thieving barstewards!

I received a text message this morning telling me I was eligible for a £900 top up of my state pension.  I thought this was unlikely so I ch...