Saturday 2 September 2023

Wits end

I've just ordered a large quantity of bicarbonate of soda as I'm at my wits end about the way the flat smells. I don't like the smell of most air fresheners but I desperately want the flat to smell clean and fresh.

Steve is obsessed with BBQ sauce, there are at least 10 bottles of different sorts in the kitchen cupboard. He smothers all his food in the stuff. The only meal that he eats without it is the occasional bowl of cornflakes.

He coats all his food in the stuff and this, combined with the amount he drinks is a lethal combination.

If I go to bed after him I sometimes can't face going into the bedroom because of the stench. We can't sleep with the windows open as we are beside a very busy road with traffic rumbling by continuously. Plus as we are on the ground floor it possibly wouldn't be safe.

I do open all the windows when I get up but I think the smell is now ingrained.


Julia said...

Have you tried a small humidifier where one puts essential oils into the water? I used to work in a hospice and we used these instead of artificial room scenters, as we used to experience some really bad odours. I'm sure they don't use much electricity. Just a thought. Might not eliminate (the smell, that is!!) but could help?

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

Sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble with smells, Bicarb is very good especially as you are not keen on air sprays etc. I have found that burning a candle does help, it does not have to be a scented one. I managed to bburn a saucepan, the smell was horrendous, I used an ordinary candle, not sure how it works but the smell did not linger.

Anonymous said...

My mom always used a small bowl with white vinegar - gets rid of cigarette smoke - fishy smells etc

Anonymous said...

Have you tried burning a scented candle while he's cooking/eating or may be even an ordinary candle would work.An extractor fan would be a good thing really, we've got an xpelair extractor fan in our kitchen and I use it when cooking fish or anything with a strong smell. I can't stand the smell of bbq or brown sauce or branston pickle, but my other half loves all of them & the smell of them gives me a pounding headache

Pilgrims Journey said...

I have essential oils that I put on my pillow and the top of my sheet at night plus I also use a diffuser as Julia said; they work well for me.
And candles also work very well as sweet blonde blue eyes said. I don’t know why they work so well either but they’ve been lifesavers on many occasions! :)

John Berry (he/him) said...

I used to volunteer in a charity shop and that's how I found Febreze kills unwanted smells dead and doesn't smell overpowering itself. I've found the one intended as an air freshener (in an aerosol) somehow works better when sprayed on fabric than the one intended for fabric and haven't known it to stain.

Rachael said...

I use activated carbon, the stuff used for aquarium filters, placed in bowls around the house. This is a very passive way to reduce odors. I also have the vacuum suck a teaspoon or more before vacuuming to reduce odors.

Col said...

Have you heard of Ozium?
It comes as a spray or a gel, and doesn't just mask odours it really does eliminate them!
It's not cheap, but may make it tolerable for you to sleep in the same room as Stinky Steve!
Considering that the problem smells are emanating from him, (or a specific part of him) perhaps you could encourage him to use some of the money he spends on booze to make your life better!
Can you open your bedroom window just as far as the first 'locking point'? We're in a bungalow, but always have both bedroom windows locked 'just open' to avoid waking up with headaches and neither of us ever sleeps well in a room where the windows are all closed.
Of course, if all else fails, you could try a cork, but ensure that you stay out of the line of fire! X

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked at how much your husband drinks! You have said it's 6 boxes of 18 cans of beer per week. That means he's drinking 15 cans a day, that's really not good for anyone, especially someone who has had a stroke. I don't think you'll have to worry about the smell of him for too much longer if he continues on like that. Must be very difficult for you and I'm sure it's on your mind, take care.

Corinne said...

I would also suggest Febreze, but if there are smells coming from carpets or furniture, I would suggest a look at the website of TMchemicals. When our daughter bought her house, the previous owners had let their dog 'leak' in the same place in the house. Maybe they didn't notice it after a while! But after talking to them, we bought some enzyme based liquid/ spray from them and it worked brilliantly. Apparently the enzymes eat the bacteria which causes the smell. They supply care homes and hospitals so they know their stuff.

Anonymous said...

If you can't face going into the bedroom maybe the some of the smell is actually coming from his body.I'm not being disrespectful here,please don't think that.But if you've ever known any alcoholics you'll realise the smell coming from their bodies is disgusting, it's like a dustbin /compost heap type of smell and it's so strong it can fill a room & it will waft around wherever goes. It won't matter how often he showers or what deodorant he wears, this will overpower it. With the amount he drinks every day and the junk he eats along with it his liver and kidneys will be working overtime trying to process it all until they eventually pack up.Nothing will mask that smell though he has to change his diet and curb his drinking ,that's the only way.

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