Friday, 13 December 2024

Remembering a past Christmas

A young lad, year 5, cast in the school play as rocking chair. He was supposed to remain quiet and just rock occasionally, instead rocked throughout the entire play  squeaking repeatedly. His poor mother, sat beside me tying herself in knots, glaring at him, praying he would stop squeaking.


Tracy said...

Anyone putting a five year old in a rocking chair and expecting them not to rock is definitely onto a loser!

ShellyC said...

Yes, our grandson aged five did the honours on Remembrance Sunday. Standing with his wreath waiting during two minutes silence. How much longer mom!!
Followed by playing a shepherd in The Nativity. A dancing twirling shepherd.
Dear me, but he is a funny lively little chap

Ruta M. said...

OH dear, he obviously took his role very seriously. Our boys would put on plays with their (honorary) cousins when they came to stay and would have to play multiple roles. Poor Alex who is the youngest of the five often had to be inanimate objects like a tree or a lampstand or if she was lucky a kitten.

Rambler said...

Brilliant! Who wouldn't want to keep that squeak going? Star of the show.

Sally said...

You'd think a 10 year old (year 5) would have been more conscious of what he was doing, over-shadowing the other actors. Maybe he did and it was pay-back for casting him as a chair! 😃

flis said...

At the age of 4 or 5 I was a daffodil in the school play - I recall being told to sway a little by the teacher as in a breeze I expect - then remain quite still - I remember being So bored x

Ouch, I've got a stiffy

Finger that is, it's my index finger so I look like I'm admonishing someone. It would be worse if it was my middle finger. Steve...