Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Wax melts.

I ordered some wax melts, by mistake I had them sent to my daughter's address. I warned her what I'd done and suggested she keep them.

I then ordered a second set, to my correct address, they arrived this morning. They are very nice but I've also received someone else's order along with mine.

I contacted the company and offered to pay for what I'd received, I can't send them back as I can't get to a Post Office or similar. They said I can keep them!

I shall give some of them to both my daughter's as there is far too much for me to use. I'm hoping my daughter's can use them as gifts for teachers or friends.

Amongst other things there was some stuff to sprinkle on the carpets, this can't be used by me or my daughter's as we all have pets that walk on our carpets. I've sent it over to the summer house to see if there is a resident that can use it. I hate waste.I

There is a craft sale in the summer house, I was going to go over but Steve wanted to go and sit with his current crush, so I stayed home!


Anonymous said...

Steven has a bit on the side??? What's good for the goose is good for the gander! You might meet someone who treats you better, or at least wears undies to bed - all said tongue in cheek of course :)

flis said...

That was good of the company - Is Steve's new crush a male friend x

Mo said...

Glad to see since you have got the attendance allowance you are able to treat yourself more.

Sue said...

That was really nice of the company, there are still lots of good people in the world. I wouldn't let Steve and his 'crush' keep you away from the Summer house. Go and sit with your friends instead.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...