Saturday, 28 December 2024

And breathe.

Despite Steve's numerous melt-downs the visit from my oldest son and girlfriend went well. 

I think Steve finds any change to his daily routine difficult but as he can't accept this he resorts to shouting and yelling. I keep hoping he'll decide to go into town for a few hours as he hasn't left the flat for a few days now.

I managed to provide a lactose free buffet as son's girlfriend is lactose intolerant and it seemed to go down well with every one apart from Steve. Our neighbour Harry claims to be lactose intolerant but drinking black coffee seems to be his only concession, he happily eats cheese, rice pudding, butter and many similar items.

I purchased a new bed for Beano, Steve bought him one when we first got him but it was far too small so I gave it to my daughter as her dog was a Jack Russell/Chihuahua cross and quite tiny. Beano is twice her size, I bought him a flat bed that is furry on one side and shiny on the other, so far Beano has diligently ignored the bed! Still it's given Steve something different to shout about.


Anonymous said...

Steve is a pain and you are a Saint to put up with everything. Strokes do change people so he is very lucky you are so patient and tolerant of his new mindset. Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Margie from Toronto said...

So glad things went well and that Steve didn't spoil things too much. I wish you all the best for the New Year.

50 and counting said...

Lactose intolerance and food intolerances affect different people in different ways.

I'm allergic to eggs. Omlettes, fried, or boiled, will result in vomitting, hives, sweats, flushing, and throat swelling. Bad enough to need an epi pen on prescription. Eggs baked into a cake, no problem.

Lactose intolerance is usually gas, bloating. There are products that can be taken to prevent the reactions. Lactaid is one of the brands.

Anonymous said...

I also take Lactaid when I eat ice cream. 2% organic milk doesn't bother me. Just ice cream! Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...