Friday, 8 September 2023

Black and blue and lumpy.

That's me, black and blue from where I bumped into things on the boat. I seem to have lost the ability to balance when I'm on board. Thank heavens we returned to dry land permanently when we did.

I'm also covered in gnat bites, these I got at home, not on the boat. I frequently get bitten and I get huge itchy lumps. They are both unsightly and irritating but not life threatening.

It must have been slightly cooler last night as Beano slept all night. When it's hot he keeps pacing around which means neither of us gets much sleep. Because I slept better it meant I was awake at a reasonable time and got Beano out for a walk whilst it is still relatively cool.

Tesco delivery this morning, gawd knows what Steve has ordered. He placed the order whilst I was at the vet with Beano. Considering how unpleasant he's been lately he has probably ordered a shed load of chocolate for me. He doesn't understand why I'm upset or annoyed but he does realise that I am.


Sooze said...

Betty's still not sleeping well, like Beano she paces around, jumping on and off the bed throughout the night. I hope you don't get a mountain of chocolate - good that he's feeling a little bit of guilt/responsibility, but a ton of chocolate isn't exactly useful!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your bruises and your loss of sea legs!!
As for bites of any description buy some Hibiscrub £7 for 250ml on Amazon, dampen a cotton wool pad and use a small dash of the Hibiscrub on it and wipe over the bites, it takes the itch and swelling down after a few times a day. Also good for a wound wash both on humans and pets, it is same as the old Savlon Wound Wash which is no longer available. It is now our go to for all of the above and also to relieve rashes, scrapes, cuts and was amazing on a nasty cleg/horse fly bite on my leg. It is used in hospitals as a pre-surgery scrub and patient shower/bath before surgery. Take care of you. Jan in Castle Gresley

Ellen D. said...

Maybe you could find an insect repellent that would keep the gnats away from you so you don't get those sore bites.

Corinne said...

It used to be said that the army used Avon Skin So Soft dry oil as a deterrant. I use it when I'm in the garden and don't normally get bitten. It's also good to spray on your arms before decorating so that paint splatters wash off easier!
I would also take an antihistamine tablet, just in case the bites are something that you may have a reaction to.

Donna said...

We ordered off Amazon. a tool called, "bite away". Place the tool on the the button and it kills the poison from any bite! Ordered last Christmas for our whole family. Everyone loves it! Totally stops the itching, immediately.
Creams just don't stop the poison that causes the itch.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...