Sunday 10 September 2023

Security conscious

Steve is very security conscious, this means that what ever the temperature outside, everywhere must be locked up tight. When we were living in the boat he insisted that the boat was locked up tight by four in the afternoon. Here in the flat he still likes everything locked up by five o'clock. Sometimes I overrule him as it just gets too hot.

We've  had rain here and it's cooler now, more comfortable especially for Beano in his fur coat.

Steve spent two hours online ordering the new toilet, basin and flooring this morning. He ranted and swore for the entire two hours, I took Beano out to avoid the noise. Beano seems impervious to Steve's ranting, he seems to realise that it presents no danger to either of us.

Our manager visited us a couple of days ago, we were expecting her. She's visiting every flat and getting the paperwork up to date as we haven't had a manager for three years now. I don't count the one that was here when we arrived as she didn't last five minutes.

When our friends visited they mentioned that one of the lock keepers had asked after me. He described me as the little lady on the widebeam who's husband was always shouting at her.

We've just had our meal, roast beef with roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding. I had an assortment of veg with mine. I made the mistake of saying how nice the beef was. But according to Steve it was underdone despite it not being pink in the middle. He likes his beef rock hard and chewy. He's just cooked it for another 30 minutes so it is now just the way his mum cooked it. He's now exploded again, shouting and stressed, just because I preferred the beef before it was cremated.


Anonymous said...

We only walk this way once, and you've done nothing to deserve to be treated like this, how demeaning that people see you as the little downtrodden woman. Take care of yourself, you're worth so much better x

flis said...

My husband sounds exacactly like yours Hester since he retired m- (he's now 73) - I know it won't help you but I just want you to know you aren't alone with the overwhelming circumstances we find ourselves in through no fault of our own - For now I just take one day at a time - Ignore when I can - and My dogs are my sunshine x

Thieving barstewards!

I received a text message this morning telling me I was eligible for a £900 top up of my state pension.  I thought this was unlikely so I ch...