Thursday 7 September 2023


It was Steve's birthday on Tuesday and he wanted to do a BBQ, he went shopping with Betty next door and bought enough food to feed about 30 people. He ran around like a blue assed fly in full on panic mode. I offered to help but I was not needed as I'm completely stupid and know nothing about cooking. Amongst other things he bought about 50 chicken legs and cooked them in the air fryer, it took forever and set the smoke alarm off! I did suggest using the oven, but it seems that was not acceptable. We had a BBQ in the garden for the residents and some friends of ours who's boat was moored near by.

On Wednesday our friends collected us and took us on a boat trip. It was warm and sunny, Beano and I sat in the prow in the shade whilst the men steered the boat and worked the locks. We left here at 9am and got home around 7:30. We should have got home nearer 5 o'clock but there has been an accident and the bus couldn't get through. We eventually walked home, it's not far but there are no pavements, so the bus is safer. Steve wanted to join our friends again today but they wanted to leave around 6am, Steve didn't get up until 11:30.

This morning Harry gave Beano and I a lift to the nearby vets where Beano had his dew claw trimmed, he's also been given a course of antibiotics as the claw was slightly inflamed. 

The reason I use the vets and not somewhere like Pet Smart is because the vets is in a nearby village, a couple of miles away. The nearest groomers is about 7 miles away also Beano's dew claw was infected.I

This evening Steve managed to trigger the smoke alarm again, he was cooking chicken in the air fryer and the flat gradually filled with smoke. This is a regular occurrence, possibly because he doesn't wash the air fryer basket between uses.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Don't know how you stand it! I would banish him from my kitchen!

Thieving barstewards!

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