Sunday, 23 February 2020

Wednesday to Sunday

On Wednesday i had a double appointment at the surgery, first with the Dr and then with the healthcare assistant. I do so enjoy being lectured about my weight by someone who is so fat she can hardly get through the door.

I have been told to take my blood pressure at home and email the readings in.

This brings it's own problems as Steve then wants to take his blood pressure every 10 minutes and gets anxious about the readings.

Thursday morning I reached into a cupboard and something went twang in my shoulder, Thursday afternoon I had an upset stomach, probably caused by the stress of Steve doing a very good impression of Jones the butcher from Dad's Army. He is panicking about both our blood pressure readings.

Someone came out to try to repair my cooker.

Thursday evening I suffered an allergic reaction, this was actually a good thing as I took an antihistamine and had an early night, I slept for eight hours, almost unheard of for me.

Friday  Steve's brother visited, they drove to the pub, I have them a ten minute head start and then walked Beano to meet them, Steve and I walked back.

One cooker problem resolved but there is now another one, Aargh!

Saturday I managed to persuade Steve to go for a walk with the promise of coffee in the cafe at the half way point.


Sooze said...

I don't know what's worse....being lectured about weight by a health professional who clearly needs to take their own advice, or one who's beanpole thin and obviously someone who never puts on so much as an ounce whatever they eat. Hope you're feeling better now.

Winters End Rambler said...

You poor thing! x

Lynda said...

Since I have so few filters now I’d be likely to ask the fat woman at the doctor’s what diet SHES on and how it’s working....and then give the person in charge of the practice a piece of my mind.....I just can’t be bothered to suffer fools any more...!
Hope you have a good day and stay dry....

JanF said...

I have noticed that quite a few health workers are overweight. Love Linda's comment!

Anonymous said...

You all assume that if a person is overweight it's because they overeat. There are some medical reasons why a person may be overweight. Think on that before you criticise.

What a lovely day.

I went for breakfast with my son and daughter, I had a croissant with Brie and Bacon and had a lovely time, Beano came with me and sat under...