Saturday 28 September 2024

Comments and waffle

Thank you for all your comments.

Mean Queen, we saw David from Cruising the Cut a few times when we were on the boat.

Unknown, Steve doesn't walk Beano ever, and hasn't for years. A few weeks ago when we met up with friends who still live on a boat, Steve walked Beano across the car park to their car. This is when Beano was on tiptoe.

The window cleaners have visited today, I must tell Steve as they will be gone before he gets up. I have done some washing and it's on the maiden, by the front door in the sun.

I'm watching Ludwig on t.v. it's amusing, easy watching, not too taxing. I only watch one episode a day as that is all my eyes can take. I also enjoyed Grace as Whitstable Pearl. I don't watch the soaps or any game showx

I'm reading Deadly Games  by Sally Rigby, I read a book in a day or two, again, nothing too taxing. I don't read romances, I prefer murder mysteries, sci fi or fantasy. I have my kindle set to a huge font size  so it is easy to read.

I think I've wittered on long enough now!

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Comments and waffle

Thank you for all your comments. Mean Queen, we saw David from Cruising the Cut a few times when we were on the boat. Unknown, Steve doesn&#...