Wednesday, 3 December 2014

What a day

Up at 5:30, cooked breakfast for hubby & dropped him at work at 6:30, at work myself at 7:30 with a mouth like a badgers armpit as I can't have any breakfast or a cup of tea. Left work at 8:10 for Dr's for a fasting blood test, back at work by 8:40.
Gave hubby a lift home at 1 as he's doing a split shift due to staff shortages, go back to work 'til 3:20, collect DGS & drop him at after school club at 3:45, go home, cook tea for hubby & change his dressings. 5:15 collect DGS from after school club & take him home. Collect hubby & take him to work he's working 6 'til 10, give staff member a lift home. Time to put my feet up until hubby phones for a lift, I shall do a little crochet.


DragonflyDreams said...

I need a lie down after reading about your day! Hope tomorrow is a little more restful x

Sue in Suffolk said...

Goodness, it's a wonder you got everyone everywhere at the right times and working too. No wonder you are shattered

Unknown said...

Crochet? I would need gin!,

gillibob said...

sounds like my day today

Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto - I'm with Frugal Queen on this one! What a day!

Linda Metcalf said...

Okay...I'm exhausted

Knittynutter said...

blimey, gin and crochet sounds good to me !

Anonymous said...

Hi, Love your blog! Re: your health problems - have you ever tried making kefir? Possibly, your good gut bacteria need a boost and this is the ideal way to do it.No cooking involved - just mix kefir 'grains' (available online -and they can be re-used)with full fat milk and leave at room temp for 24 hours. Hubby made some yesterday. He has diabetes and I suffer with constipation.Kefir is said to help these and many other diseases. I expected it to be sour like yoghurt but it's quite pleasant. Just google 'kefir health benefits for more info.

Wishing you well

Hard up Hester said...

Thanks for all your comments, I couldn't have a drink as I won't drink even 1 drink when I have to drive & anyway even one drink send's me to sleep when I'm already tired.
Eileen I'll order some kefir grains today.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...